Chinese Exploit Congolese Mining Cobalt For EV Batteries – IOTW Report

Chinese Exploit Congolese Mining Cobalt For EV Batteries

JTN: Miners in Chinese-controlled Congolese cobalt mines “dig in absolutely subhuman, gut-wrenching conditions for $1 a day” to extract the metal integral to the production of rechargeable batteries such as those in electric vehicles, smartphones and laptops, activist Siddharth Kara said last week on the “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast.

“Throughout the whole history of slavery, I mean, going back centuries, never, never in human history, has there been more suffering that generated more profit, and was linked to the lives of more people around the world, ever, ever in history than what’s happening in the Congo right now,” said Kara, who teaches at both Harvard and Berkeley. MORE

8 Comments on Chinese Exploit Congolese Mining Cobalt For EV Batteries

  1. We’ve always specialized in slavery, its kind of our brand. You guys even fought a war to stop us, but we bumped off your president and put ours in right after, so you couldn’t even outlaw our party THEN, so here we are NOW.

    Difference is that we’re not going to stop with Black slaves now.

    ALL y’all are wearing our chains.

    And most of you are too stupid to even realize it.


  2. Belt-and-Road? China gets countries to sign deals to build infrastructure using Chinese-backed loans, using only Chinese labor and materials, then takes over the property once the host country defaults. Evil as fuck, but you can’t deny it’s effective.

  3. @Heatsync – of course there is a solution. The ‘host’ country can just flip the bird at China. Let them go through the World Court. Then ignore the decision. What are they going to do, invade an African country, or a European one? I don’t think so.

  4. Are we supposed to believe that the Congo was free of corruption and beautifully pristine, and that all the Congolese were fat and sassy, gainfully employed at $15/hr before the chinks showed up?

    Africans have been selling out Africans for millennia.
    (same as our gov’t is selling us out)

    The first Emperor of China killed some million chinks building roads! The chinks don’t GAS about chinks, so why would they GAS about Africans?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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