FTX Requests Political Donations Be Returned Or Legal Action Will Be Spurred – IOTW Report

FTX Requests Political Donations Be Returned Or Legal Action Will Be Spurred

Legal action could force SBF’s donations be returned to FTX, with interest.

National File: A recently bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange is calling on politicians to return any donations its former CEO sent out to help the exchange pay off debts.

FTX released a press statement on December 19th that explained how FTX Debtors are asking the company to have all donations ordered by former CEO Sam Bankman Fried be returned.

“These recipients have requested directions for the return of such funds to the FTX Debtors. The FTX Debtors are working with these recipients to secure the prompt return of such funds to the FTX Estates for the benefit of customers and creditors,” the press release reads. The statement encourages all donation recipients to return the payments or legal action may occur, which could force those payments to be returned with interest. MORE

10 Comments on FTX Requests Political Donations Be Returned Or Legal Action Will Be Spurred

  1. The evangelical Left and those who are weirdly distinguished as being “anti-Trumpers”, (as though a separate group) have been caught with their hands in the collection plate. Will there be an amnesty box for them to dump their FTX cash?

    O’ what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

  2. Yes they should have to give it back. But the damage the donations cost has already been done. Elections were won and lost because of the money that allowed the recipients to use and running their campaigns. Mission was accomplished and Democrats got elected so quots another who has always Eluded justice “What difference does it make now “

  3. Nice end of the year bill for the Dem’s. Auntie Maxine is not happy. Altruism doesn’t work as Bankman-Fried said. His mother grew up in the 60’s when altruism was being taught in high school. The kids who embraced it went on to college to be school teachers. Now some of them are retired bell ringers trying to lift more money out of your pocket every Xmas.

  4. Me? Return FTX money? Why?
    It’s not like I STOLE it.
    YOU GAVE it to me, voluntarily.
    Doesn’t matter WHY you gave it to me, or what you might have expected in return.
    The point is, you GAVE it to me.
    So why should I return it?
    (rhetorical rebuttal from a LibTard’s POV)


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