Christians face genocide amid rise in persecution in at least 18 countries, report warns – IOTW Report

Christians face genocide amid rise in persecution in at least 18 countries, report warns

JTN: Christians are facing genocide in several countries as the persecution of followers of the religion has increased in at least 18 nations, according to recent research. 

The Catholic group Aid to the Church In Need released a report earlier this year titled, “Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report On Christians Oppressed For Their Faith 2020-22,” which highlighted “human rights violations” against Christians in 24 countries.

The group found that persecution increased in 75% of the countries surveyed.

In Africa, “extremism threatens previously strong Christian communities,” the report states. “In Nigeria and other countries, this violence clearly passes the threshold of genocide.”

The report also found that Christians are experiencing genocide in Ethopia’s Tigray region and in North Korea.  more

9 Comments on Christians face genocide amid rise in persecution in at least 18 countries, report warns

  1. And what’s that all LibTards are screeching about “Islamophobia”?
    Other then between themselves (Sunni vs Shia), I have yet to hear anything about Christians massacring Muzzies.

  2. Hab 1:6  For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not theirs. 
    Hab 1:7  They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves. 
    Hab 1:9  They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand. 
    Hab 1:10  And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it. 

  3. The Catholic group Aid to the Church In Need

    What a bunch of Catholic BS! Catholics to this day are still persecuting – and their own! I enjoy pointing out their hypocrisy.

    Anti-abortion priest Frank Pavone dismissed for blasphemous posts
    Father Frank Pavone, a leader of the US anti-abortion movement and a strong supporter of former president Donald Trump, has been dismissed from the Catholic priesthood for ‘blasphemous’ posts.

    Can’t post the link so google: Anti-abortion priest Frank Pavone dismissed for blasphemous posts for the story. Oh, and they fired the antiabortion priest yet they gave Piglosi and her faggot husband communion.

  4. Fascists find Christians dangerous to their dictatorships. They also find Jews expedient as boogymen enemies for morons like Whoopi Goldberg and Kanye West (and half the NBA).

  5. Christianity is under attack in Canada and the US of A as well.

    Has been in China since the first Missionaries alighted in that benighted country.
    North Korea persecutes ALL religion except the Kim Doctrine of Marx and Lenin.
    Africa is a sweltering fever swamp of hate, disease, ignorance, bestiality, animism, toxic izlam, cruelty, violence, poverty, famine, and despair – if any place on Earth could use the Gospel, it is Africa – it has, as far as I know, absolutely NO redeeming features. Beautiful landscapes, perhaps, and some interesting animals – but that’s about it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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