Poll shows two-thirds of registered voters want to send ‘more law enforcement and military’ to border – IOTW Report

Poll shows two-thirds of registered voters want to send ‘more law enforcement and military’ to border

JTN: Americans overwhelmingly favor immigration — as long as it’s legal. And whatever their feelings about COVID- 19 policies, they’re willing to use pandemic restrictions to keep out illegal immigrants.

Those are among the surprising findings from a survey of 1,200 registered voters by pollster Scott Rasmussen earlier this month, which also found President Joe Biden’s disapproval rating stubbornly stuck above 50% a month after midterm elections.

The same percentage of registered voters — 74% — believe legal immigration is “good” for America and illegal immigration is “bad,” while 13% each believe immigration regardless of legal status is good or bad. The vast middle (61%) support legal but not illegal immigration.

Sixty-one percent also favor utilizing Title 42, which is intended to keep immigrants from bringing COVID into the U.S., to keep out illegal immigrants regardless of COVID infection. The poll wording says this is one way Title 42 is used “in practice.”  more

6 Comments on Poll shows two-thirds of registered voters want to send ‘more law enforcement and military’ to border

  1. total BS! The only “poll” that should matter is the vote. But with that buried in fraud; we have no more voice. Not only here, look at the “Poll” of Germans, who overwhelmingly reject their leaders insane position on war, and energy. And England! They don’t even pretend to have any sort of vote, or care at all for their citizens.

  2. Not worry lil ones! The only fraud is The Fake Supreme Court installed by Mr Fake! They now think they control the government. They say to hell with congress & the president. We the Supreme Court are now the Supreme rulers, just like Lil Kim.

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