Twitter File Release #11 – The Government Censorship Campaign to Control COVID-19 Information – IOTW Report

Twitter File Release #11 – The Government Censorship Campaign to Control COVID-19 Information

Apparently, the phrase “don’t be afraid of Covid” was triggering for those who wanted fear and panic to be the prevalent perspective on the virus.


Twitter File release #11 hits on the long-anticipated information surrounding how the platform was instructed by various government agencies to remove content adverse to the expressed opinion of CDC, HHS, and DHS officials. [Release #11 Here]

The first installment of the Twitter COVID-19 files comes from David Zweig, a writer for New York Mag, New York Times, The Atlantic and other publications.  Because the U.S. Government COVID-19 information control operation was so extensive, there will likely be several Twitter File releases related to the SARS-CoV2 pandemic issue.  However, in this first release Zweig starts to build the story of how the CDC and HHS set the foundation for the echo-chamber that ended with Twitter executives running amok.

As Zweig begins his review he noted, “The United States government pressured Twitter and other social media platforms to elevate certain content and suppress other content about Covid-19.”  While the Trump administration was worried about information that would create panic, like runs on grocery stores, the Biden administration was more focused on content control to push the overall narrative about fearing COVID and the vaccination demand.

When the Biden admin took over, one of their first meeting requests with Twitter executives was on Covid. The focus was on “anti-vaxxer accounts.” Especially Alex Berenson,” Zweig writes as he then begins to give examples of various medical professionals that were targeted by the White House and the platform.

The outcome of the HHS and CDC push circled around politics, which, when combined with the ideological perspectives of the Twitter executives, inevitably ended up making COVID-19 a political issue on the platform.  Critics of COVID-19 policy were blocked, censored, removed and restricted.  Advocates of government policy were enhanced, amplified, promoted and enlarged. MORE

16 Comments on Twitter File Release #11 – The Government Censorship Campaign to Control COVID-19 Information

  1. It was posted here in 2019 that Nancy Pelosi had a whole fake paper mask business all set up and ready to deploy. It was published in advance and part of the official record for those who are interested.

    Do you want the Key? Go Look.

  2. Twitter collaborated with government to stoke fear and panic. They both were censoring information that was true and did so at the urging of Big Pharma. The entire government/media complex was involved. But Elon Musk’s ownership of Twitter is allowing us to see inside the operation and the connections.

  3. More or less, I figured out that I was no more at risk from Covid that from being swallowed up by the rising oceans. I believe that it was April of 2020 that I posted that friends and relatives were treating it with Ivermectin and found that it responded well to that remedy. To be honest, there isn’t much that ails man or beast that doesn’t respond to being dosed with Ivermectin.

    They weren’t using the paste, they were putting the injectable into orange juice, holding their nose and drinking it.

  4. It was June of 2020
    When the “Bannings” started
    Not the Shadow Kind
    The Real “No Internet For You” Kind

    It’s Recorded.
    And Remembered.
    Most Vividly.
    And Really Ripe.

  5. Many of us knew it was a scam right from the get-go. Old enough to see how they lie, and hide the truth. Just the name “Operation Warp Speed” had a bad connotation to it from the beginning. Trump was out of his element. However, he was powerless to stop it once he got it rolling. He still hasn’t apologized to America, and he never will.

  6. DHasty December 27, 2022 at 1:53 pm

    It was apparent in January 2020 that this whole operation was the Global Warming hoax on an accelerated timeline. I opted out and went about my business.

    So did I. I even enjoyed going to the store and being told to put a mask on. Then I did the rubbing of my mask on my face telling the person demanding, that I was going to touch everything in the store while wiping my mask. I told them they can’t do anything to me for wearing the demanded mask and what I do with it on my face. 🙂 Yep, and I’d do it again. If I have to wear spurs going grocery shopping, I’ll be sure to use them. I use their demands against them. 🙂

  7. For how many decades has the American public decided that politicians lie, that’s just what they do; iow, we showed that that is acceptable.
    The rest is just each one of those criminal creeps putting their own style on it.

    To put that genie back in the bottle, heads must roll. As in, guillotines.

  8. I put the kids in the truck and took them to Silverwood in free North Idaho in May 2020. There were about five thousand other people there. Not enough other kids to make everyone have to stand in line to go on rides, but enough for the kids all to have a good time.

  9. I just read in II Chronicles Chapter 21 what God did to Jehoram’s bowels for him being evil. I trust He dishes out some of that severe bowel sickness to those who truly deserve it!


  10. @ Jonathan DECEMBER 27, 2022 AT 4:39 PM

    The continuous and everlasting situational ethics of progtards appears once again. God hating progs co-opt the Bible and quote chapter and verse whenever they think that in doing so they can advance their agenda. When it doesn’t fit with their nefarious designs, the Bible is like Kryptonite to the worthless bastards.

  11. Jonathan DECEMBER 27, 2022 AT 4:39 PM

    The continuous and everlasting situational ethics of progtards appears once again. God hating progs co-opt the Bible and quote chapter and verse whenever they think that in doing so they can advance their agenda. When it doesn’t fit with their nefarious designs, the Bible is like Kryptonite to the worthless bastards.

  12. I appreciate these writer’s efforts at detailing what we knew was true, but this latest Twitter File drop is pretty lame writing. David Zweig writes that both the Trump and Biden administrations directly pressed Twitter executives to moderate the platform’s pandemic content according to their wishes. And the examples he gives to equate the two Admins?
    The Trump admin raises concern about panic buying. What? Nothing more nefarious than asking us all to just tap the brakes on buying up all the T.P.?
    While the Biden admin got Alex Berenson banned for criticizing the Covid vaccines, which he truthfully said were ineffective and possibly harmful.
    It is a non-comparison. It is lazy writing.


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