Supreme Court ruling could protect George Santos from legal punishment – IOTW Report

Supreme Court ruling could protect George Santos from legal punishment

JTN: The push to investigate and punish Rep.-elect George Santos (R-N.Y.) for the falsehoods he spread during his 2022 election campaign is on a collision course with a legal precedent set a decade ago when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled lying is constitutionally protected even when it involves officeholders.

Santos admitted this week that he lied on the campaign trail about a number of details of his biography, including where he attended college and his alleged employment history with high-profile Wall Street firms.

“My sins here are embellishing my resume. I’m sorry,” Santos said Monday, confessing he never graduated from any college and “never worked directly” for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. Santos chalked up his misleading claims to a “poor choice of words.”

Santos, the first openly gay non-incumbent Republican elected to the House, has also been accused of lying about his religion, family history, and sexual orientation, although he’s defended some of those assertions from criticism. more here

15 Comments on Supreme Court ruling could protect George Santos from legal punishment

  1. The Supremes will always – ALWAYS – side with the liars, thieves, and traitors in the political class. Their purpose is oppression – and the maintenance of the un-Constitutional whatever-the-Hell we got going here.

    Nihilistic Totalitarian Oligarchy?
    Banana Republic? Even though we don’t grow bananas.
    Police State?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “…the U.S. Supreme Court ruled lying is constitutionally protected even when it involves officeholders.”

    that is really sad, that our country has devolved to this

  3. Joe Biden then should be prosecuted for embezzling FTX, sekually assaulting his then-minor daughter, fabricating a malicious “covid pandemic” along with threatening Americans with a very malicious gene distorter masquerading as a “vaccine” and numerous other crimes.

  4. They all lie,
    Bush Sr. No new taxes
    Clinton Did not have sex with Monica
    Obama I’m not the anti christ
    Biden so many cant list them all
    Mittens I’m a Republican
    McConnell I’m a Republican
    Etc etc

  5. Seems strange the Po-Po can send you to prison for lying to them. Ask Martha Stewart.

    Maybe the SC meant it’s only OK sometimes, under certain circumstances. Subject to change without notice. Certain terms and conditions apply. Offer invalid in some States.

    Yeah, we have a great legal system alright.

  6. All Santos did was jump the gun. Instead of lying to his constituents to get into office he lied to…..oh wait. He did exactly what virtually every politician does. He lied to his constituents to get into office. Now personally, I find that offensive – always have, but considering every other currently serving politician did the same thing, what’s the issue?

  7. Funny, but you’d think “office holders” (agents of the Sovereign) would be held to HIGHER standards, not lower.

    But then, coming from the Supremes – a gaggle of depraved, treasonous shitweasels.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. seems like the best option for citizens is keep a list of the fibbers. use the three strike rule with video proof. post on twitter, facebook, internet…. liar list. im having trouble keeping track. or like mum used to say. “if their lips are moving they are lying”. the other consideration is, most voters may not care. Loved all the gunfire last night, makes me feel safe from the tyranny. I be moving when the gunfire stops on new years.


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