Disney’s Market Value Sees Record Loses in 2022 – IOTW Report

Disney’s Market Value Sees Record Loses in 2022


The Walt Disney Co. saw $123 billion of its market value evaporate in 2022 as its stock dropped 44 percent amid profitability concerns, CEO musical chairs, and a suicidal embrace of woke identity politics. https://t.co/pTHDhgJfPl

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) January 1, 2023

Disney lost $123 billion in market value as stock dropped 44% in 2022. This is Disney’s worst year since 1974.

(Via- @BreitbartNews ) pic.twitter.com/s349THTdVP

— Geeks + Gamers (@GeeksGamersCom) January 1, 2023

And the first few months of 2023 don’t look any brighter for the corporation. MORE

18 Comments on Disney’s Market Value Sees Record Loses in 2022

  1. The Giant Rat of Burbank has been showing worsening signs of dementia for several years now. I don’t think there’s a cure, which suits me just fine.

    ESAD Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street (biggest stockholders)

  2. “Disney lost $123 billion in market value ..”

    It’s a start.
    They loused up Pixar, ABC sucks and their news is anti-American, EPSN sodomizes donkeys and their cruises are an overpriced ripoff.

    Why should anyone give a rip?

  3. So they hired the new old guy to resurrect the magic kingdom. Now he’s going to wage war on firearms. Consider how many Disney films have historically capitalized on gun violence. Another really bad move.

  4. (To the tune of “It’s A Small World)

    It’s a world of sin,
    It’s a world of shit,
    It’s a world to live
    In for kids ain’t fit.

    Now they’ve poisoned the well,
    They can go straight to hell,
    They have wrecked their com-pan-y

    They…have wrecked their com-pany,
    They…have wrecked their com-pany,
    They…have wrecked their com-pany,

    And pervert-ed Mickey.

  5. Disney has been known as a den of perverts as far back as 1978 when I was an 8th grader in Cocoa Beach. It was common knowledge back then, and it’s only gotten worse.

  6. M I C K EY M O U S E, no longer will I sing the praises of Disney anymore. Disney can go to hell as far as I am concerned, the house of mouse has become the house of louse. The old Disney of The Wonderful World of Color that I grew up watching on Sunday nights as a kid back in the 60’s is far superior to the dreck that they call children’s entertainment now.

  7. Brad
    JANUARY 1, 2023 AT 10:38 PM
    “So they hired the new old guy to resurrect the magic kingdom. Now he’s going to wage war on firearms. Consider how many Disney films have historically capitalized on gun violence. Another really bad move.”

    So in the revised movie, how will Tommy Kirk kill Ol’ Yeller, sodomize him to death?

  8. So, all those lemmings we used to see jumping off a cliff in old Disney nature programs were really running away from a bunch of queers who wanted to use them like gerbils as part of their sexual perversion. It’s no wonder the lemmings ran away. Rex Allen (the narrator of those nature specials) would be appalled at what’s happened to the old America.

  9. Tony R
    JANUARY 2, 2023 AT 10:03 AM
    “Maybe they should thaw out old Walt’s cryogenically frozen head, reanimate him, and put him back in charge.”

    This is what would happen…

    htt ps:/ /you tu.be/fjTtumHAcxs

  10. Everyone is losing money & some more than others! Elon lost over200 billion in wealth last year, was at over 340 billion now down to a paltry 137 billion. With Twitter mys well right off another 20 to 30 billion. Has he learned?
    Hell no.


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