Guess who gets to pay for Joe Biden’s self-touted lower prescription drug costs? – IOTW Report

Guess who gets to pay for Joe Biden’s self-touted lower prescription drug costs?

American Thinker | By Monica Showalter:

While Joe Biden’s out lounging somewhere on St. Croix, whoever it is who’s tweeting for him has kept busy, spinning a narrative about all of Joe’s supposed achievements from his grossly misnamed Inflation Reduction Act and congressional omnibus act, complete with sleek, possibly Photoshopped glamour shots of doddering old Joe. Here are a few of the whoppers:

6 Comments on Guess who gets to pay for Joe Biden’s self-touted lower prescription drug costs?

  1. Oh goody.
    Another step toward crushing the working, middle class American.

    I emailed the Am. Thinker article to Susan Collins with a “Thanks for this” message.

  2. Prostate cancer is rarely treated solely with drugs. They are an adjunct to other therapies and surgery. So this $6000 savings will benefit very few people, but it gains Joe positive PR.

  3. The Drug Companies, the Hospitals, and the insurance companies are all in it together. If the drug companies raise prices then insurance rates across the board will go up. Again paid by the working people.
    If you watch any TV you have seen all the AIDS/HIV commercials. One is Biktarvy.
    How much is Biktarvy without insurance?
    “Biktarvy (30, 50-200-25 mg tablets) is $7,797, or a little over $90,000 for one year of treatment.”
    Just to keep one faggot healthy enough to keep spreading the disease.

  4. The economic ignorance of these people (RINOs, Dems, and media) continues growing leaps and bounds.

    My word, how do such people get elected and occupy the “ruling class”? I know, throw cheating, lying, and deceit.


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