DOJ concealed 400 pages of ‘sensitive documents’ showing payoffs and gifts to Hunter and Jim Biden from China, Russia and Ukraine – IOTW Report

DOJ concealed 400 pages of ‘sensitive documents’ showing payoffs and gifts to Hunter and Jim Biden from China, Russia and Ukraine

DMUK: The Department of Justice is trying to prevent disclosure of 400 pages of sensitive documents on Hunter and Jim Biden’s dealings with China, Russia and Ukraine – by pretending they don’t exist.

Colorado lawyer Kevin Evans sued the department in March after it failed to comply with his request for records on the Bidens’ dealings under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Evans, a FOIA expert, asked for documents pertaining to ‘any relationship, communication, gift(s), and/or remuneration in any form’ between the president’s son Hunter or brother Jim, and China, Russia or Ukraine.

He said government lawyers first admitted in court to having at least 400 pages of ‘potentially relevant’ documents – but are now trying to get away with saying they can ‘neither confirm nor deny’ the existence of any records that match his request.

A Justice Department prosecutor, David Weiss, is currently considering a criminal case against Hunter with potential allegations of money laundering, illegal foreign lobbying and tax crimes in relation to the First Son’s overseas business dealings.

The 400 pages are not the only cache of Biden records being sought from the government.

The National Archives and Records Administration is preparing to release hundreds of Obama White House internal documents containing information about Hunter’s relationship with controversial Ukrainian gas company Burisma, Business Insider reported this month. MORE

13 Comments on DOJ concealed 400 pages of ‘sensitive documents’ showing payoffs and gifts to Hunter and Jim Biden from China, Russia and Ukraine

  1. And anyone should be surprised that race cleanser and KKK affiliate-human traffocker Joe Biden, his crackden family, DoJ, them 3 fed agencies, Dem Party, Rino Sludge et al are all crooks who engage in embezzling and pig butchering..? Shocking.

  2. And anyone should be surprised that race cleanser and KKK affiliate-human trafficker Joe Biden, his crackden lowlife family, DoJ, them 3 fed agencies, Dem Party, Rino Sludge et al are all crooks who engage in embezzling and pig butchering..? Shocking.


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