Wendy says Portland makes street life ‘a piece of cake’ – IOTW Report

Wendy says Portland makes street life ‘a piece of cake’

3 meals a day… just wake up, get high.

BPR: A homeless woman named Wendy who is living in a tent in Portland, Oregon, claims that being on the streets there is “a piece of cake” that involves waking up, eating, and getting high, while blasting leftists and bluntly stating, “They are loving us to death.”

“‘It’s a piece of cake… you get three meals a day and don’t have to do sh-t… wake up, eat get high, wake up eat get high’ repeat. A homeless woman shared with me why it’s so easy to be homeless. She was brutally honest because she hates the enablement ‘They are loving us to death,’” she told social service worker Kevin Dahlgren who is with the community engagement organization “We Heart Seattle.” Wendy noted how progressive drug policies are causing more and more tents to pop up on Portland’s streets. MORE

13 Comments on Wendy says Portland makes street life ‘a piece of cake’

  1. Having to work downtown Portland occasionally, I’ve seen things on the open street that shouldn’t even be done behind closed doors. They are passed shame.
    And they keep on voting for it. What can’t last, won’t. Sad.


    “where is all of this heading?”

    To a completely Drug Pacified Public that will Eat Gates Bug Burgers, and willingly forgo PROPERTY RIGHTS when they are given a Russian Style Cold War Apartment. The only thing they will pay for (maybe) & cling to is their 5 Inch Brain Washing Smaht Phone.

  3. Wendy, half lit, is telling a Real Truth that the HOMELESSNESS INDUSTRY does not want interrupting their Donations & Cash Flow.

    Without kidding, she can speak better that Biden, Kamala, & Pelosi on most days.

    Possibly with help, in a safe neighbourhood, Wendy could be a good employee somewhere making something & contributing rather than just existing.

    (or she just knows what to say for the next free dose???)

  4. Mr. Beachmom used to work with a formerly homeless man. The guy told him most homeless people are out there because they want to avoid the responsibilities of life. He got out of it and went back to work.
    Hopefully this woman’s family is successful in helping her quit drugs and getting on with a good life.

  5. Thank God for Portland and all those brain-dead, bleeding-heart liberals. They attract worthless bums from all over the country, some of whom are elected to public office. Portland’s thoughtfulness is sparing other cities of that blight, misery, and disfunction. Portland’s rot is now systemic. It will never improve. Way to go Portland.

  6. Clara says:

    $11,500/month = $50/hour x 9 hr/day x D daze/month

    Carry the one and we have 25.555555 work daze per month.

    The math checks, so it must be true.

    Sign up Wendy and me.

  7. @Kcir January 4, 2023 at 3:24 am

    > Possibly with help, in a safe neighbourhood, Wendy could be a good employee somewhere making something & contributing rather than just existing.

    That you know (because Truth[TM] is self-evident) that you deserve she “be a good employee somewhere”… that you are entitled to benefit from her work… is why The Free West(TM) will eat your children. Most likely after you. But that depends on how hard you work against them (your children).

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