David French is the NY Times’s newest ‘conservative’ columnist 🙄🤣 – IOTW Report

David French is the NY Times’s newest ‘conservative’ columnist 🙄🤣

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

David French, a lawyer who served as a Judge Advocate General in Iraq, used to write intelligent opinion pieces at the National Review. However, when National Review embraced the NeverTrump ideology, David French was the leader of the pack. Since then, like other well-known NeverTrumpers, French has turned on conservatives and on most conservative principles. No wonder, then, that he’s now the New York Times’s newest “conservative” columnist.

I’ll open this essay with a true story about when I met French shortly after Trump was elected for the first time in 2016. It was no secret that French despised Trump and was unhappy that Trump had been elected. When I challenged him to explain why Trump would be such a disaster, one of the main things French called upon in support of his argument was the now-infamous “grab ‘em” video that Trump haters interpreted to mean that Trump was boasting about sexually assaulting women.

By this time, I was a strong Trump supporter (he couldn’t be worse than Hillary and, as proved true, he might well be better), so I suggested that he watch the Diana Davison video, below. I said that the video makes a very strong case that Trump was not admitting to sexually assaulting women. Instead, he was simply shooting the bull with the guys and making the completely accurate statement that there are women who will give free sexual access to rich, powerful men: MORE

5 Comments on David French is the NY Times’s newest ‘conservative’ columnist 🙄🤣

  1. French, Frum and Brooks…I always get the three nevertrump Davids mixed up. One of them is preachy, one is a law-talkin’ guy and the other one is a pedo, I think. Could be wrong. Probably all pedos.


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