FDA clears abortion pills for sale at retail pharmacies – IOTW Report

FDA clears abortion pills for sale at retail pharmacies


The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday announced a regulatory change that will allow major pharmacy chains to offer certain abortion pills in their stores for the first time.

While purchasers will still need a prescription, they will now be able to procure mifepristone from many regular pharmacies, as opposed to the mail-order pharmacies or select clinics to which the agency previously limited its availability, according to the New York Times.

Mifepristone is the first of a two-drug cocktail for a pill-induced abortion. The second drug, misoprostol, is already available through a traditional prescription and is used to treat other conditions. The first drug blocks a necessary hormone for the pregnancy to advance while the second induces contractions necessary to expel materials from the uterus. more

13 Comments on FDA clears abortion pills for sale at retail pharmacies

  1. Over the counter Pharmaceutics to kill babies.

    But Ivermectin to save lives is prohibited.

    That is a representation of the Biden administration that should open America’s eyes.

    But sadly the pro-baby killers and the pro abortion media will praise this atrocity.

  2. The medical community seems to have shifted its focus from life to death.

    Fits modern sensibilities nicely. The kids are a bit lazy, and its certainly easier to end life than it is to preserve it.

    Especially if you were raised to believe individuals have no value, their only worth is if they benefit the collective.

    …of course you would have to not consider life sacred for that and consider God to be no more than a racist, sexist, homophobe myth, but it would appear the Government schools and social media covered that long ago, so here we are…

  3. NIdahoCatholic, and that plastic statue of Moloch will be prominently displayed on the dashboard of their Prius or EV right next to the dream catcher hanging from the rearview mirror. Along with the obligatory Coexist bumper sticker, rainbow flag and peace sign on the rear bumper or back window. Mad Magazine called peace signs the track of the American chicken back in the late 60’s and early 70’s.

  4. You cheer what Good(TM) people you are. For welcoming the baby killers to continue to live among you. And are shocked… shocked!… that they continue killing babies. And living, safely, among you.

    And… as if that weren’t enough… you continue to allow the tards that claim shock! to rule you.

  5. I struggle with some things in my faith walk, and one of them is why the Lord made it so easy for His creations to set their basic humanity aside and be unremittingly cruel to his other creations, especially those who are not even formed enough to defend themselves. A Brother in Christ of mine once answered the question, “Can God create something that even He cannot move?” with this answer that he said came to him in prayer.

    “Free Will”.

    And so it is. The Lord gave every one of His creations the free will to follow Him or not, and I can understand that. Life is a test of faith and how we use our free will is the term paper.

    But why does He allow SO MUCH pain to be inflicted on those just trying to follow Him by those who have cast Him aside?

    Romans 1 tells us;

    “28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

    29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

    30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

    31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

    32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

    …but it does NOT go on to tell us why infants are permitted to be slaughtered in the womb for the pleasures of those he has given over to a reprobate mind.

    And make no mistake, there ARE those who get pleasure, even SEXUAL pleasure, from killing an infant. Some people deliberately create a child and then allow it to grow so they can discover the gender of what they are killing.

    …there are many other examples of how vicious those who have thrown over the Lord go on to torment their fellow man. Basically the entire history of tyranny and murder is this story writ large, but it all has the same axis. Someone chooses to defy, even replace, God, and then goes on to murder from the womb to the nursing home, the more the better.

    Nothing is possible without the permission of God, it is said. And so I believe.

    Where I stumble is on why this permission is seemingly given without hesitation.

    …sorry, not trying to bring anyone down. Just at a low point and hoping someone can lift me up, or at least answer the age-old, rather childish question, “why do bad things happen to good people”?

    But substitute “Infants” for “good people”, and see if the answer still fits…

  6. lol. So a 65 year old man still needs an RX for Viagra but the 14 year old girl next to him at the pharmacy can grab her OTC abortion pills and her favorite candy without visiting a doc. Gotcha


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