The Two-Faces of Ronna McDaniel – IOTW Report

The Two-Faces of Ronna McDaniel

Red State: Ronna McDaniel is pretending to care about what happens to the Republican Party. This faux face of concern comes after millions in spending on luxury vacations, donor items, and travel, while attacking the messengers demanding she be held accountable by maligning their allegiance and contribution to the party (projection, much?).

As my colleague Bonchie encapsulated perfectly, “McDaniel is a woman fiddling while the Republican Party burns[.]” However, she is still currently the RNC Chair, so she was asked by Fox News to comment on the vote for House Speaker and how Kevin McCarthy can gain the numbers to pull out the needed 218.

As RedState has reported, McCarthy has gone down in flames not once, not twice, but three times this Tuesday, on the first session of the 118th Congress. McCarthy managed to grow his opposition from five representatives to 20 in that timeframe.

Perhaps someone needs to read the room, but, I digress…

In her media hit, McDaniel claimed that the representatives who refuse to coalesce behind McCarthy as Speaker of the House make the Republican Party look bad.

You don’t say? Someone else needs to read the room. As RNC Chair, McDaniel oversaw (along with McCarthy) five years of losses. The House. The Presidency. Now the Senate.

Yet, she imagines that it is McCarthy (and by proximity, her) that is responsible for the razor-thin House majority, and therefore he should be experiencing a coronation and not this obstruction from 20 renegade Republicans. more

10 Comments on The Two-Faces of Ronna McDaniel

  1. Six times now. Supposedly he’s meeting behind closed doors with the rebels. They best make him sign everything in his own blood and have outside witnesses and still force him to go to the floor and tell us what he has agreed to.

  2. OT
    B R E A K I N G

    Dr. Sills says #3 is looking fifty percent better today.

    However . . .


    He does NOT have 3 Years in the League so Thank You very for donating to his GO FUND ME page.

    He’s gonna need IT when all the CHARITY SCAMMERS in NEW YORK get done with him.

    He will need the rest of the money to cover the future premiums.

    **Told ya THEY saw the MONEY FUND GRUB EARLY over on msNBC.

    Right Joe?

    Dr. Sills Report

  3. “make the Republican Party look bad.”

    To who? You mean those people that hate us anyway and would never say anything good about us? You need to quit caring about those folks, they aren’t your friends.

    “that is responsible for the razor-thin House majority”

    And the fact that it is so razor-thin proves your incompetence. In the last hundred years, every midterm with an unpopular president has produced massive wins for the opposition………..except 2022. The red wave turned went up in smoke and we were left with an empty mandate.

    It’s not all the fault of Ronna or Kevin, but they have proved uninspiring, ineffectual, and uncommitted. Both need to go.

  4. Brad, that’s what one of his cronies told the Hill, but he said to get them to vote for him. Another scenario I’ve been seeing that the establishment is talking about is to change the rules and make it a majority vote instead of 50% + 1.
    For starters since we’re being told nothing can be done without an elected speaker, how can they change the rules? Two the majority vote would be Jeffries.

    I had some idiot make the argument to me that the 19, although now 20 or 21 if you count the present vote should have put someone up who could get 218 or all they’re doing is stopping congress and don’t care about the country and instead care about the power they have right now.
    I asked him why didn’t the establishment put up someone who could get 218 and why when McCarthy knows he can’t win at this point without agreeing to their terms or getting democrats to vote for him, is he not withdrawing instead of wanting the power? They have yet to respond and as that was this morning before the votes today I don’t expect they will.

    I keep sending messages to my newly elected congressman thanking him, the first I’ve had with balls.

  5. The Intercept is reporting the substance of that Matt Gaetz/AOC confab on The House floor today. They talked to AOC, apparently, McCarthy was spreading rumors that he had brokered a deal with a handful of Democrats so that they would vote “present” thus lowering the threshold for the number of votes he would need. Gaetz was asking her if this was true and she told him empathically, no, it was not true, none of them plan to assist McCarthy in any way. And if McCarthy is saying anything to the contrary, he is a bald-faced liar.

    Juicy stuff.


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