Musk: ‘Twitter files’ show U.S. demanded suspension of 250,000 users, including CNN, Canada – IOTW Report

Musk: ‘Twitter files’ show U.S. demanded suspension of 250,000 users, including CNN, Canada

Twitter CEO Elon Musk says the State Department demanded that 250,000 accounts be suspended – including those of journalists and foreign government officials.

“US govt agency demanded suspension of 250k accounts, including journalists & Canadian officials!” Musk tweeted Tuesday in response to reporter Matt Taibbi, who published the latest edition of the Twitter Files, which are a series of revelations about the social media company that Musk gave to reporters.

In a thread Tuesday – titled “Twitter and the FBI ‘Belly Button’ ” – Taibbi stated that the social media platform was tired of being bypassed as agencies took lists of suspicious accounts directly to the media.

Twitter convinced the State Department’s Global Engagement Center to inform the platform about questionable accounts. 

Emails published by Taibbi show Twitter employees discussing CNN’s May 2020 story that the center flagged nearly 250,000 accounts, which a spokesperson for the federal agency said at the time “were created with the intent to amplify Chinese propaganda and disinformation.” more

6 Comments on Musk: ‘Twitter files’ show U.S. demanded suspension of 250,000 users, including CNN, Canada

  1. Our arm-twisting, bolshevik government officials are the real criminals here.
    I can only imagine what the tell the MSM to do.

    Can you say “Talking Points”?
    Sure… I knew ya could!

  2. Where are the lawsuits? Where are the injunctions against Federal agencies to cease and desist? Where are the firings? None of this means anything without a response to make it stop and a purging of those involved.

  3. Twitter’s revelations mean nothing if Facebook, Amazon, Google, Instagram and all the rest don’t join in.

    This is the biggest government assault on the first amendment in history.

    I get the impression that government is no longer our friend.


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