Top Catholic archbishop urges three-day fast for Jan. 6 defendants – IOTW Report

Top Catholic archbishop urges three-day fast for Jan. 6 defendants

“I can only encourage and bless this commendable gesture of penance, to be accompanied by prayer – above all the Holy Rosary,” the archbishop said.

JTN: Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who has served in several high-level Vatican roles, said he encourages a three-day fast to bring “heavenly protection” for defendants charged in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and for the nation as a whole “against the subversive attack of the deep state.”

Vigano, ex-Vatican secretary-general and former Holy See diplomat to the United States, called for a fast from Jan. 3 to 5, in a letter Saturday to Joseph McBride, an attorney for multiple Jan. 6 defendants. 

“In your message you tell me about your initiative to announce three days of fasting to propitiate heavenly protection to the United States of America against the subversive attack of the deep state,” Vigano wrote to McBride. “I can only encourage and bless this commendable gesture of penance, to be accompanied by prayer – above all the Holy Rosary.”

The archbishop concluded his letter by giving his “greatest and paternal Blessing” to those who defend Catholicism. MORE

12 Comments on Top Catholic archbishop urges three-day fast for Jan. 6 defendants

  1. I’m glad there is this response.
    There really should be much more outrage in Washington.
    Can the new Speaker drop charges?
    Can’t Chief Justice Roberts see the inhumane Unconstitutional treatment? Can’t he do something about it?
    This is distressing to me. We have political prisoners in our country and no one is doing anything about it.

  2. I’m not sure if they Catholic haters as much as Papist haters.

    “And then Parkins narrated the manner of his discovery of the whistle, upon hearing which the Colonel grunted, and opined that, in Parkins’s place, he should himself be careful about using a thing that had belonged to a set of Papists, of whom, speaking generally, it might be affirmed that you never knew what they might not have been up to.” M.R. James

    “The Colonel, who remembered a not very dissimilar occurrence in India, was of opinion that if Parkins had closed with it it could really have done very little, and that its one power was that of frightening. The whole thing, he said, served to confirm his opinion of the Church of Rome.” M.R. James

  3. Shouldn’t the Catholic church tax status be taken away for getting involved in US politics? Fasting? Never seen a priest miss a meal or a bottle of wine yet. They all better be fasting, praying and repenting for their souls and for their murderous past.

  4. @ Tony R
    Catholic hater? That’s a good one. How about keeping your pie hole shut until you’ve had to remove your four sons from their Catholic Church because their priest, Father Frank Paduch, who was known by the church to be a pedophile, was allowed to be around children. The Catholic Church simply moved him around from place to place whenever the heat was on. I don’t hate the Church. I hate pedophiles and the people/organizations who protect them.


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