Not A Joke. – IOTW Report

Not A Joke.

“If the gaffe does destroy Biden’s chances, few in either party will be particularly surprised. The senator’s biggest enemy has always been his own mouth … He simply cannot control what comes out of his mouth.” –  Barack Obama

15 Comments on Not A Joke.

  1. doesn’t matter one bit. dog diarrhea could come out his mouth … continually. wouldn’t matter
    81 million votes …. remember?

    the rnc will do nothing to change one voting law in any state

    next year it will be over 100 million … just wait
    (& we’ll all be befuddled as to what just happened … again …. & again & again)

  2. I can’t stop it. You can’t stop it. Voting won’t stop it. Congress won’t stop it. No one is coming to save you.

  3. What did Biden say this week? They seized like 21,000 pounds of fentanyl in a bust, enough to kill 1,000 people? That’ll kill multiple millions. You already cannot find the quote online because the media ignores Biden’s stupid statements. But how can someone so utterly stupid make legitimate decisions for the country? He can’t.

  4. We allowed the imposition of this Retarded Pedophile Usurper and now we must suffer the indignities and insults of that imposition.

    They are rubbing our collective faces in the dogshit that is Biden, et al, and laughing hilariously at our impotence (you can hear it if you listen closely – and you can see it in their faces – the sneering half-smile of Merrick Garland, for instance).

    We’ve been told to “eat shit – and like it!” and we’re gobbling it up with delight.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I think his brain just likes shortening words because he has a lazy mind. So, “July” is shorter than “January.” If you watch all his slurs and mispronunciations they are all for shortening words. We are SO fucked.

  6. “…repercussions beyond what any of you can understand.”

    I’ve never before seen such a combination of low IQ and arrogance in one human being. Lecturing us on what we don’t understand, but he does. SMH

  7. Not much hope for our country, demoncrats living beyond means off the taxpayer.
    Tech companies farcebook, tweets and google pushing their agenda. The idiocy of Trump supporting McCarthy for speaker. Gates spraying the air and pushing clot shots. The defense oil reserve is gone he’s now going to save Social Security by reducing your benefit by 25%. My mandatory Medicare coverage and supplement premiums now take my entire monthly retirement. So now let’s go poke Russia in the eye and start a nuclear war.


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