Dems Ask Each Other to Stop Busing Migrants – IOTW Report

Dems Ask Each Other to Stop Busing Migrants

FPM: Last week I discussed the outpouring of humanitarian kindness by Colorado’s Gov Polis in shipping unwanted migrants to New York City. Don’t mistake this for the ‘bad’ kind of busing that DeSantis and Abbot do. No, in Polis’ words, it’s “honoring our values by treating people with dignity and respect.”

I’m not so sure that shipping people to NYC or Chiraq treats them with dignity and respect. NYC and Chicago certainly don’t.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot demanded Saturday that Colorado Gov. Jared Polis stop busing asylum seekers to their cities, saying they are “over capacity.”

“We respectfully demand that you cease and desist sending migrants to New York City and Chicago,” Adams and Lightfoot wrote in a letter to Polis. “Since December of 2022, Chicago and New York City have received hundreds of individuals from Colorado.”

“You must stop busing migrants to Chicago and New York City,” the mayors wrote. “In the case of family reunification, let us work together to ensure that people are reconnected with their loved ones, however sending migrants to our cities whose systems are over capacity, where they may struggle to find shelter and other services is wrong and further victimizes these most vulnerable individuals.” MORE

11 Comments on Dems Ask Each Other to Stop Busing Migrants

  1. Life is hard, It’s about to get harder. They are about to find out what it feels like to deal with worthless cocksucker who is as rotten a worthless a son of a bitch as they are.

  2. Last I read Colorado was getting ready to throw another 10mil at the invaders. The Fag whining will have little impact. Colorado would be wise to send them to California.

  3. A few bursts of automatic gunfire at the border from our side would end this bullshit right now. Better yet aim at the cartel members it’s not like we don’t know who they are.

  4. Suck it up, Buttercup*

    funny how these policies of d’rats always come back to bite them in the ass … then they blame everyone else, & demand everyone else solve the problem that they created. so predictable & boring to ‘right’ thinking people

    why do the masses not see this?
    … oh wait, they do … ‘elections’ are ‘determined’

    *said extensively by She Who Must Be Obeyed

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