GOP-led House passes rules package after contentious speaker vote – IOTW Report

GOP-led House passes rules package after contentious speaker vote

JTN: The Republican-controlled House on Monday passed a new rules package after several rounds of contentious votes last week to elect Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as speaker.

The rules will govern how the chamber will proceed this session. Some members over the weekend expressed optimism and others showed signs of trepidation but the package ultimately was approved 220-213.

The adopted rules package contains a series of rules changes sought by the conservative House Freedom Caucus.

“Congress has been broken for a long time. Over the years, a concentration of power within the Speaker’s Office has kept lawmakers on the sidelines from participating in the legislative process that would impact their communities. Lawmaking should be open to all Members, not just a select few, so that the best ideas win,” said House Speaker Kevin McCarthy after the package passed.  

South Carolina GOP Rep. Nancy Mace said Sunday on CBS‘ “Face the Nation” that “only one point” changed in the House rules package after 15 rounds of speaker votes — the so-called “motion to vacate” rule now allows any member to call a vote to remove the speaker. more

3 Comments on GOP-led House passes rules package after contentious speaker vote

  1. Given the standard Pelosi set in conducting House business over the years, the dishonesty, duplicity, the opaque underhandedness, I am mildly optimistic that McCarthy can do a bit better. But we should not discount the very nature of DC, a protected pit of vipers who prefer darkness and secrecy, unconstrained by any legality of action, totally lacking in shame and self-awareness, and operate on both sides of the aisle.

    I am reminded of the euphoria, the effusive exuberance demonstrated by all seekers of truth and justice when John Durham was appointed to shed some light on the clear weaponization of our Justice agencies and to bring criminals who dishonored their oath and broke federal laws, to justice. That dogged investigator with a rep of a guy who always got his man, tenacious to a fault, he was going to right the wrongs we all saw with our own eyes. But much like the seven-headed serpent in mythology, The Deep State can not be defeated.

    I welcome any and all sub-committees formed by McCarthy to look into wrongdoing but with the trifecta of resistance (Garland, Wray, and the MSM) controlling the narrative and erecting obstacles at every turn, well, I have a feeling that the truth will be strangled in its cradle.


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