Boebert: The weaponization of the federal government against individual Americans must end – IOTW Report

Boebert: The weaponization of the federal government against individual Americans must end

The weaponization of the federal government against individual Americans must end. <— watch.

8 Comments on Boebert: The weaponization of the federal government against individual Americans must end

  1. “The weaponization of the federal government against individual Americans must end.”


    Me too. Believe it or not she’s getting relentlessly slammed on her social media pages by so called conservatives for holding out to long. Unbelievable. I do my best to bitch slap them. But I am out numbered.

  3. The government WILL continue to abuse Americans until each American realizes they are nothing more that a dead entity within the corporation of the United States and take specific steps to repudiate their status as such with the State Department.

    Become a State National. <— btw, this is NOT a sovereign citizen. The term sovereign citizen is an oxymoron.

    Start learning what your status actually is regarding the government.

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  4. “The weaponization of the federal government against individual Americans must end.”

    Why should the Federal Government (weaponized or not) be against ANY individual American, whatsoever?

    The Federal Government is SUPPOSED to be the impartial executor of America’s collective will, as expressed through the electoral process, presided over by the President (hence, the title) and overseen by the Legislature. It has NO OTHER concern than to faithfully execute the laws and statutes of this nation – no will or agenda of its own.

    We have deviated far from the meaning and intent of casting off the yoke of oppression – we are now striving to get back into the yoke.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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