Lesion Above Jill Biden’s Right Eye Found to be Cancerous – IOTW Report

Lesion Above Jill Biden’s Right Eye Found to be Cancerous

GP: Jill Biden had a lesion removed from above her right eye on Wednesday.
White House physician Dr. O’Connor discovered the lesion during a routine skin cancer screening.

Jill Biden had the surgery on Wednesday at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland. The lesion was found to be cancerous. The doctor also found another ‘area of concern’ on the left side of Jill Biden’s chest. more

28 Comments on Lesion Above Jill Biden’s Right Eye Found to be Cancerous

  1. “The doctor also found another ‘area of concern’ on the left side of Jill Biden’s chest.”

    I would say her whole chest is an area of concern as is the entire carcass.

  2. Aaaand… Joe won’t run for a second term, out of concern for his wife’s brave fight against cancer.

    And those extreme right politicians and investigators should leave them alone in Delaware. Why, they’re still mourning Beau’s death from cancer (on the battlefield). Don’t be so cruel and heartless as to expect Joe or his only living son to appear at hearings or depositions, you hateful MAGA traitors.

  3. Both cancerous lesions on America’s ass are about to be removed unfortunately the miracle cure will be another half black retard…

    The Demonrats will be doing the political removing to clarify for our Alphabet spies/site monitors. Oh and fuck you cowards for monitoring patriots, bet you feel ever so special. Tell Gaylord Garland/ Gay Wray/and Mayodorkass to kiss my ass while you’re at it.


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