AG Merrick Garland Appoints Special Counsel to Review Joe Biden Classified Documents – IOTW Report

AG Merrick Garland Appoints Special Counsel to Review Joe Biden Classified Documents

CTH: After lawyers representing Joe Biden released information saying additional classified documents were discovered at multiple locations associated with Joe Biden, the investigation that was being handled by USAO John Lausch has been turned over to a new special counsel, Robert K Hur.

Attorney General Merrick Garland made the announcement earlier today [DOJ Press Release Here]:

(DOJ Press Release) – Attorney General Merrick B. Garland announced today the appointment of a former career Justice Department prosecutor and former U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland Robert K. Hur to serve as special counsel to conduct the investigation of matters that were the subject of the initial investigation by U.S. Attorney John R. Lausch Jr. related to the possible unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or other records discovered at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement and the Wilmington, Delaware, private residence of President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

“Based on Mr. Lausch’s initial investigation, I concluded that, under the Special Counsel regulations, it was in the public interest to appoint a Special Counsel. In the days since, while Mr. Lausch continued the investigation, the Department identified Mr. Hur for appointment as Special Counsel. MORE

10 Comments on AG Merrick Garland Appoints Special Counsel to Review Joe Biden Classified Documents

  1. Do they really think running this up the flag pole is going to give them any credibility back? Are they that stupid? The Legacy media might fall for it but most of us out here in the real world know its just the definition of “gaslighting”. If they failed to burn Trump on this classified document B.S. how are we suppose to believe that a life long democrat is in jeopardy? Sheesh.


  2. wake me when the FBI does an early morning raid … Mar-A-Lago style

    oh, & how can the shitweasel that held the info until the mid-term elections be credible enough to appoint anyone? … ’cause he’d have to be investigated too.

    BOGUS ALERT! (‘course we already know this is a crap sandwich, served up to placate & excite the media)


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