AG Merrick Garland Timeline Does Not Align with DOJ Claims and Joe Biden Lawyers – IOTW Report

AG Merrick Garland Timeline Does Not Align with DOJ Claims and Joe Biden Lawyers

CTH: During a press conference today, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Robert K Hur as Special Counsel to investigate the Joe Biden classified documents that were removed from the White House during President Obama’s term in office (2009 through January 2017). The timeline given by AG Garland does not match up with prior DOJ statements and lawyers representing Joe Biden.

The timeline as described by AG Merrick Garland:

♦ Nov 4, 2022 – National Archives notifies DOJ of classified documents located at Penn-Biden Center
♦ Nov 9, 2022 – Garland instructs FBI to conduct assessment of classified documents and investigate
♦ Nov 14, 2022 – Garland instructs USAO Laush to conduct investigation of events and documents
♦ Dec 20, 2022 – Biden Lawyers tell USAO Laush of additional classified documents in Delaware
♦ Jan 5, 2023 – USAO Lausch briefs AG Garland and recommends a special counsel be appointed
♦ Jan 12, 2023 – Biden Lawyers inform Lausch/Garland additional documents found in Delaware
♦ Jan 12, 2023 – Garland appoints Special Counsel Robert Hur

If the FBI began investigating on November 9th, and USAO Lausch began investigating on November 14th, then why was it Joe Biden lawyers informing Laush of additional classified documents found in Delaware on December 20th?   Why did the FBI and Lausch not find them? MORE

3 Comments on AG Merrick Garland Timeline Does Not Align with DOJ Claims and Joe Biden Lawyers

  1. does anyone believe this ‘oh so convenient’ timeline?
    so coincidentally after the mid-term elections?
    … now released just before the NFL Playoffs

    the denial of the nomination of Garland to the Supreme Court stands as Bitch McConnell’s greatest achievement

  2. what is in the ‘sealed’ records he has stashed at the university of delaware?

    “The thousands of records, a vast collection spanning more than 1,850 boxes, along with 415 gigabytes of electronic records, are still being curated, University of Delaware spokeswoman Andrea Boyle Tippett told The News Journal, part of the USA TODAY Network.”


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