5 more pages of classified documents found at Biden’s Delaware home – IOTW Report

5 more pages of classified documents found at Biden’s Delaware home


Another five pages of documents with classified markings were found at President Joe Biden’s Delaware home on Thursday evening, the White House revealed on Saturday.

The discovery comes after “the President’s personal attorneys discovered one document with a classified marking consisting of one page in a room adjacent to the garage” on Wednesday, according to a statement from Special Counsel to the President Richard Sauber released on Saturday.

Another set of classified documents was discovered late last year at a former private office of Biden’s, with the existence of those documents becoming public this month. more

40 Comments on 5 more pages of classified documents found at Biden’s Delaware home

  1. So we can expect Democrat Senators to March to the White House telling Ol’ Joe to resign?

    The problem is, he actually believes he is President and won the most votes ever and that he has been a true servant of the people his whole career. That means he will suffer a case of the coincidence.

  2. Remember when they raided President Trump’s private attorney and read all his privileged communications before raiding President Trump’s house and trying on First Lady Melania’s underwear?

    …still waiting on this for Pedo…

  3. Who wrotes this stuff? Anybody else notice the soft peddaling? “Other documemts were found last year.” Do they realize its only two weeks into January? How about, “yet another of what is becoming weekly revelations,” instead?

  4. They want him gone, but the opposition has to take him out – legitimately. Then they will also say they have reason to be even more vengeful and mean to the next conservative in power because they’ve been wronged.

  5. “Aw bless your thoughts but that will be a no thank you.
    But Donny on the other hand is burnt toast.”

    You gotta be a special kind of STOOPID to try and flip this around on Trump. So STOOPID you probably voted for Biden. Known as the dumbest politician since he entered politics. Unbelievable.

  6. “Just keep telling yourself that, it werks for us.”

    “US” Who is us? The ChiComs? Enemies of our Constitutional Republic? Inquiring minds and all. Any way yo slice it your an enemy to our country.

  7. “Republican House will shame themselves sooooooo badly”

    You just might be right. If 2 years go by and Biden, Mayorkas, Garland, and Wray are not either impeached or jailed then yes, the shame will be palpable.

  8. Who is us? Well that is people that want a normal existence, no extremes no fake WWE wannbes who are nothing less than criminals themselves. He will NEVER hold a government position again.

  9. The “Hell’s Full” sign is going to start flashing when this demented, old bastard finally kicks the bucket! Not even Satan would put up with a lying, stinking, thoroughly rotten asshole like Jackass Joe!

  10. It is hilarious that you do not understand how adorably stupid you sound. This thread is about Biden violating The Presidents Records Act, a felony. You sputtering, “But but, but, Trump did it too” is just lame, lazy, and telling that you are not a serious person.

  11. @Rich Taylor but Donny’s refusal to turn over classified secret documents is nothing. Kurt those classified & non-classified documents are turned over, so what is your nonsense claim?

  12. “But Trump is a saint,right ?”

    Another brain dead butt hurt Libtard. What does this have to do with Trump you fucking moron? At the time this crime was committed Brain Dead Biden was a VP. VP have no rights to Classified Documents. Period, end of story.

  13. “Who is us? Well that is people that want a normal existence, no extremes no fake WWE wannbes who are nothing less than criminals themselves. He will NEVER hold a government position again.”

    But never mind the shit economy. Never mind we’re being invaded by unvetted illegals crossing the border that’s wide open. Never mind sending all of or tax dollars to a fake war so it can be redistributed to or Libtard political elites. You, are a fucking moron that should not vote.

  14. Well “Kurt JR.” – They weren’t turned over for over six years until his people found them. Not to mention the fact that he wasn’t authorized to have them…. Unlike Orangemanbad who was the ONLY one able to declassify them and give himself authorization.
    But keep drinking your Lefty kool-aide 🙂

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