$22M Korean War memorial in DC snubs 400 fallen soldiers, riddled with over a THOUSAND spelling errors! – IOTW Report

$22M Korean War memorial in DC snubs 400 fallen soldiers, riddled with over a THOUSAND spelling errors!

BPR: Americans are furious after it was disclosed in a report that the new $22 million Washington, D.C. Korean War memorial has a whopping 1,016 spelling errors, lists 245 veterans who didn’t even die in the war, and leaves off 400 names of service members who gave their lives in the conflict.

Ted and Hal Barker, experts on the conflict and founders of the Korean War Project, produced a report that lists the errors found on the monument that was unveiled in July.

“If you’re killed or died in a war, people need to know what your full name was so they can find you and memorialize you properly,” Ted Barker told NBC Dallas. “A name is everything we have.”

The original Korean War memorial is located on the National Mall in the Capitol. It was unveiled in 1995. The new addition opened last year with the Wall of Remembrance which was meant to honor the dead. more

11 Comments on $22M Korean War memorial in DC snubs 400 fallen soldiers, riddled with over a THOUSAND spelling errors!

  1. had a Grunt friend who was a “Frozen Chosen”. He lived for decades after HST let Mao invade. But many his friends there died!

    As a kid I asked:

    How did HST know Mao would invade?

    why did he forbid Mac A. from fighting back? Did hit want the ChiCom to take Korea?

    I’m so old I had “hairing bone” utes!

  2. yeah, that’s gotta be fixed
    and order the names somehow, maybe alphabetically, instead of how they were entered into the data base last week by someone making minimum wage.
    instead, they’ll probably sell a directory of where to find a name
    “The government of South Korea largely provided the funds for the project. According to the South Korean news agency Yonhap, the country’s veterans ministry’s said it would review the errors themselves, and “rectify” them.”
    “review the errors themselves”
    everybody is doing that now

  3. Ladies & Gentlemen … I give you the Vietnam War Memorial …
    from Wiki …
    “There are circumstances that allow for a name to be added to the Memorial, but the death must be directly attributed to a wound received within the combat zone while on active duty. The determination of addition is made by the Department of Defense. In these cases, the name is added according to the date of injury—not the date of death.

    The names of 32 men were erroneously included in the memorial, and while those names remain on the wall, they have been removed from the databases and printed directories. The extra names resulted from a deliberate decision to err on the side of inclusiveness, with 38 questionable names being included. One person, whose name was added as late as 1992, had gone AWOL immediately upon his return to the United States after his second completed tour of duty. His survival only came to the attention of government authorities in 1996.”

    & it’s still going on today … hxxps://www.ktiv.com/2023/01/11/resolution-add-nebraska-names-vietnam-memorial-wall-passes/
    (you know the drill … replace the ‘xx’ in hxxps w/ ‘tt’)


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