California Officially Bans Pre-2010 Diesel Trucks, Buses – IOTW Report

California Officially Bans Pre-2010 Diesel Trucks, Buses

TTAC: In 2008, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) approved legislation designed to curtail emissions from older trucks and buses operating within the state. Known as the “Heavy Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction” measure, the law originally called for long-haul truckers to install specialized tires and aerodynamic devices on their trailers that improved fuel economy. However, it’s gone through numerous updates over the years, eventually making it illegal to even operate certain vehicles equipped with the wrong kinds of engines. The latest update bans any truck with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) over 14,000 pounds using an engine manufactured before 2010.

These bans aren’t new. California began prohibiting older trucks and buses from hitting the road over a decade ago – and updates approved by CARB have kept pace to ensure vehicles utilizing older motors aren’t allowed to go anywhere. In 2020, the cutoff for diesel engines applied to anything manufactured prior to 2004. This year, the line has been drawn at 2010.

While the laws don’t technically prohibit anyone with a vehicle registered in another state from rolling through California with an older motor, the state will refuse the registration, renewal, or transfer of anything that doesn’t comply with the updated rules. However, the board has said it would also like to try and stop out-of-state vehicles from using older engines and has been working with the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce the rule on trucks not from California. Meanwhile, CARB has an enforcement unit of its own that will randomly audit in-state fleets, conduct inspections, and issue citations. more

27 Comments on California Officially Bans Pre-2010 Diesel Trucks, Buses

  1. “…and has been working with the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce the rule on trucks not from California”

    It’s not enough to impose this bullshit on California alone (where the idiots voted for it), now they want to control the rest of the country!

  2. Seems Commiefornica Maximus is working pretty hard to obstuct interstate trade….if only we had a constitution that prohibited such actions…oh, wait! We do, but perhaps mot the will to enforce it.

  3. There’s a guy on YouTube that takes the outlawed engines out & puts new approved engines in, from wrecked trucks, looks like a real pain in the ass but evidently it’s cheaper than buying a new truck. He is a busy man.

  4. Sounds like Kommiefornia is taking a page from the Japanese and their 30,000 mile engine exchange.

  5. Commercial trucking companies should get together and agree to honor this decision by immediately stopping all freight deliveries. It’s the least they can do to show their appreciation for how they’ve been treated throughout the years.

  6. This whole UNELECTED CARB bunch should be forced to give up any and all of their modern conveniences and be put out on the street in rags. Biggest bunch of pompous asses on the west coast except for newscum.

  7. CARB cannot legislate. They don’t make laws. They regulate and make rules. They are an unelected body that knows they influence multiple states (many states reflexively adopt whatever CARB does) as well as the decisions of multi-national vehicle manufacturers and energy companies.

    They are a perfect tool to bypass public scrutiny and sentiment.

    They should have been challenged decades ago as an illegal obstruction to interstate commerce, but the politicians need them. They are a key element in imposing the Great Reset/Green New Deal that no one really wants once they figure out what it will do.

  8. This has national implications. If you think the ports were backed up last time, just wait. Nothing will move. I know a rigger that’s been around for about 30 years that closing up shop due to this bull shit.

  9. There’s great videos on YT made by diesel mechanics. There’s one in Florida that runs a garage to remove modern mandated emissions from diesel trucks and aside from the EPA breathing down his neck, his customers are aplenty. Why? Well, not only are these unchoked trucks getting significant more power, but the gas mileage goes way way up. Not to mention, when these emission systems fail by eventually getting clogged, a replacement can run upwards of $8000. I’m talking super duty ford and dodge, not semi trucks, where the systems are even more expensive and restrictive.

    I thought the EPA was supposed limit gas use, why is it these emission systems absolutely trash mileage?

    Did you know the first hybrid in 1999, Honda Insight, got 70 MPG? No one has been able to come close since. There’s your technological advancement.

  10. Gonna be tough for independent owner/operators. New trucks are expensive, and they have to unload their old trucks – somewhere. Send ’em to South America where all the ‘chk eng light’ cars go.

  11. I never understood deliberately making engines less efficient by burning more fuel to get fewer emissions, let along throwing a measure of cow piss into the recipe as well! Who knows what the effects of that really are!!

  12. Brad – He signed a bill today that will allow illegal aliens to become Law Enforcement.

    For a couple of years now I have speculated that they (the Marxist, Communist Left) intends to arm a lot of illegals to form the Obamboozler’s civilian national security force: “We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” The easiest and fastest way to accomplish this is to import illegals who don’t have any allegiance to the United States of America! Allowing illegal aliens to become Law Enforcement is the first step!

  13. TRF

    The Tin Foil hat crowds been saying the same here ever since they opened the border. Look at the age of the average male coming across the border. Now think about the implication of the Cartels. It’s not good. The only counties or cities that would hire the are already shit holes. The state level hire would be a major problem. The Tin Foil Hat crowd gained a lot of credibility today.


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