Texas and Oklahoma File Suit Against Biden Administration Over What Was Given to WHO – IOTW Report

Texas and Oklahoma File Suit Against Biden Administration Over What Was Given to WHO

Western Journal: Texas and Oklahoma are suing the Biden administration over a public health rule they argue illegally gives power to the World Health Organization, according to a copy of the complaint obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The states accuse the Department of Health and Human Services of “unlawfully” delegating the authority to declare a public health emergency in the U.S. to the WHO, according to a copy of the complaint.

The plaintiffs assert that a 2017 rule relinquishes HHS authority to the WHO to determine when there’s a public health emergency involving a communicable disease in the U.S.

HHS’ definitions for the declaration come directly from the WHO, the complaint asserts.

“The Department’s definition of ‘public health emergency’ … exceeds the agency’s authority, as it unlawfully delegates to the World Health Organization (WHO) the authority to invoke emergency health powers in the United States — infringing on U.S. and state sovereignty,” the complaint says. MORE

5 Comments on Texas and Oklahoma File Suit Against Biden Administration Over What Was Given to WHO

  1. The enumerated powers of the central govt as laid out in the Constitution do not include authority to make and enforce restrictions on my medical autonomy. Therefore the potential for that power goes to the States via the 10th Amendment. It is right and proper that the States are fighting this.

    Unfortunately, there are very few people in govt who give a rat’s ass what the Constitution says if it doesn’t provide for the expansion of their already enormous power over us the people.

  2. Don’t fall for their bogus “health emergencies” this go-round and ignore them. Meanwhile it’s not an “emergency’ when youngsters are being injured or killed from buying THC-laced gummie candies from the corner organic joint, one of which is the ORGANIC CONNECTION shops.

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