DOJ finds 6 more classified memos in search of Biden home – IOTW Report

DOJ finds 6 more classified memos in search of Biden home

Boy, they’re really laying it on thick, huh?

JTN: The Justice Department found six new classified documents inside President Joe Biden’s Delaware home during a search by FBI agents, the president’s attorney announced Saturday night.

The discovery during a day-long search Friday marked the fifth time since November that classified materials have been found in an office or home of the 46th president.

“DOJ requested that the search not be made public in advance, in accordance with its standard procedures, and we agreed to cooperate,” Biden personal attorney Bob Bauer said in a statement.

“DOJ had full access to the President’s home, including personally handwritten notes, files, papers, binders, memorabilia, to-do lists, schedules, and reminders going back decades,” he added. “DOJ took possession of materials it deemed within the scope of its inquiry, including six items consisting of documents with classification markings and surrounding materials, some of which were from the President’s service in the Senate and some of which were from his tenure as Vice President. DOJ also took for further review personally handwritten notes from the vice-presidential years.” more

16 Comments on DOJ finds 6 more classified memos in search of Biden home

  1. Someone really wants him gone.
    Good thing Dr. Jill made that special order for extra-heavy duty Depends, cause Ol’ Joe from Scranton & BidenCrime Inc. are in deep doo-doo.

  2. “DOJ requested that the search not be made public in advance, in accordance with its standard procedures…”

    …a courtesy they noticeably did NOT extend to the LEGITIMATE President of the United States, Donald Trump…

  3. Do you trust Biden’s attorney, the DOJ and the FBI?
    How many and what documents were found?
    How many and what documents were blatantly illegal and swept under the rug that will never be seen again?

    I don’t trust Biden’s attorney, the DOJ and the FBI.
    Their track record of infidelity to their oath of office and the Law is clearly documented.

    I love My Country, I distrust my weaponized Government.

  4. Ok, Deep State, we get it. You don’t want Biden to rin again, and you’d really like for him to be gone yesterday, but you’ve got no easy way out of the mess you’ve made. The fact is that “Classified Documents” is not a viable way out, after you trivialized them with Hillary and then politicized them with Trump. Nobody is awed by “Classified Documents” anymore, because you’ve been to that well too many times.

    The best you can do is make your deal with the Dusky Dunce, and then it’s time for President Munchausen to die in his sleep. Nobody cares about your little document show. Just cut to the chase and euthanize the old pedo. And then find a way to snuff Hunter.

  5. Cue 60 minutes interviewing Trump on Biden’s classified documents……..

  6. Thirdtwin
    JANUARY 22, 2023 AT 10:04 AM
    “Just cut to the chase and euthanize the old pedo. And then find a way to snuff Hunter.”

    …MAGA hat wearing FBI agent who’s never found somehow takes out both with an AR-15.

    President Hillary, Kamala’s VP pick just before her sudden heart attack, implements Martial Law.

    House to house weapons searches, prisons filled with “dissenters”, and many thousands “shot trying to escape” to follow as entire neighborhoods are burnt down to make an example.

  7. Do they really think we believe the housekeepers never clean up? That they just leave junk laying all over the counters and piled in the corners?
    This is a set up.
    Frankly, I expected something much earlier on.


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