The greenie left is coming for your coffee – IOTW Report

The greenie left is coming for your coffee

The Left is not happy until everyone is as unhappy as they are.

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

It wasn’t enough that the greenie left came for our light bulbs, our flush toilets, our guns, our plastic straws, our gas stoves, or our hamburgers.

Now they’re coming for our coffee.

According to the New York Post:

Canadian researchers analyzed coffee’s “contribution to climate change” in a piece published in early January and suggested people moderate their consumption of the popular drink as a part of the solution.

Researchers Luciano Rodrigues Viana, Charles Marty, Jean-François Boucher and Pierre-Luc Dessureault wrote in an analysis published in The Conversation that pollution from preparing coffee was “just the tip of the iceberg.” more

27 Comments on The greenie left is coming for your coffee

  1. More nonsense out of Canada.
    WTF is wrong with those people?
    Coffee cannot affect the Sun – PERIOD.
    And if those “researchers” (read: propagandists) were honest, they’d admit that ALL climate is a result of the vagaries of the Sun.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Fill it to the rim, with Limbs.”

    Limbs, the first coffee to be made with the finest insect parts. Blah, blah, good for you, blah, blah, climate control, blah, blah, she/her, he/him..etc.
    – General Foods

  3. erb
    JANUARY 23, 2023 AT 8:38 AM
    “But coffee houses are notoriously liberal havens…how will this be received by the business owners. Starbucks?!”

    “Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children.
    -Jacques Mallet du Pan

  4. Imagine my day for a minuite: Any day

    I drive around fixing Natural Gas Furnaces Mostly on top of Roofs for businesses. – Gov’t tells me My Gasoline Van, The Gas Furnaces, & my Skin Colour are evil.

    I get home with Frozen Balls & Wound up like a Clock and try to have 1 drink before I go upstairs to interact with my nice and normal family. – Gov’t says even 1 drink is Bad Bad Bad!

    I Go to sleep after watching a bit of sports/TV etc & invoicing service calls. – Gov’t paid commercials interrupt constantly often with Fidel’s SOB’s son’s face/voice. – He Tells me I think Incorrectly & I’m Bad, Bad Bad.

    Wake up next morning & watch the Weather Channel just to see how Cold I’m going to be that day as I have MY FUCKING COFFEE just to start MY engine (made at home to avoid the FREAKS) – Coffee Bad Bad Bad.

    First service Call: A Star-Fucks with NO HEAT Staffed full of unskilled Youth with MEANINGLESS Tattoos, Plate Washers & Ball Bearings stuck into their bodies somehow.

    Sorry for all the Stupidity coming out of Canuckistan, but it is now our Primary Export.

  5. Kcir – Watching in Kanuckistan, come here before they build a wall to keep you in so they can “euthanize” you.

    We may not be far behind, but at least we still have our guns.

  6. I’m so glad I’m older, though sadly a cancer magnet (no vax/pure blood). Buy the time the left finally achieves their utopia all over the country, I’ll be long gone. I do feel bad for my descendants though.

  7. When I’m tired and thinking cold
    I hide in my coffee, forget the day
    And dream of a world I used to know
    I closed my eyes and it slipped away
    It slipped away

    – with apologies to Tom Scholz

  8. There’s nothing we can do because of climate change,
    we can’t:
    go anywhere,
    wear anything,
    eat anything (other than bugs, how that reduces climate change is anyone’s guess),
    drink anything,
    burn anything,
    keep warm,
    keep cool,
    live in a house,
    work in an office,
    see anything with light bulbs,

    and even when we’re dead,
    can’t be cremated,
    can’t be buried (unless in some decomposition box),

    It just doesn’t end with these asshats.


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