Antifa tries to turn Atlanta into Minneapolis or Kenosha – IOTW Report

Antifa tries to turn Atlanta into Minneapolis or Kenosha

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Antifa has gone to war in Atlanta and, as happened in 2020 during the BLM and Antifa riots, some in the media want to downplay what’s happening. It’s harder this time, though, especially given that Antifa announced in advance that it intended to go to war.

The violence in Atlanta centered around a new police training center that Atlanta intends to build in DeKalb County. When the project was first proposed for the forested land, the site of a one-time prison farm, it caught the attention of environmentalists, even as the idea of training police officers offended racial justice groups. Nevertheless, Atlanta (a completely Democrat-run city) approved the $90 million project in 2021.

By January 2022, activists were protesting on the site. Taking a page out of the old environmentalist activism playbook, they began building shelters in the trees, marking a permanent presence. As was the case with the Antifa activists whom Kyle Rittenhouse shot, most of these people were drifters who came from places other than Atlanta. more here

19 Comments on Antifa tries to turn Atlanta into Minneapolis or Kenosha

  1. Weak liberal governments, weak liberal leaders, weak District attorneys, weak liberal Judges and those who fund ANTIFA are abetting unchecked lawlessness.

    What a perfect area to have a live law enforce training exercise. I suggest the the entire operation could be live streamed, pay for view and Atlanta will earn $Millions while exterminating a terrorist organization.

  2. “Unless ordinary Americans push back vigorously against their violence, the anarchists will win.”

    And when we do, which side do you think the government will slap down, hard?

  3. “Some are driven purely by destructive rage, others are globalists who believe America is evil and must be destroyed, and still others are utopians who envision a pastoral, pre-modern world in which the lion lies down with the lamb.”

    …and all three groups are fucking idiots.

  4. “…others are utopians who envision a pastoral, pre-modern world…”

    …awful lot of people will starve to death if we revert to preindustrial farming or hunter/gatherer.

    Mostly people in cities who have nowhere to farm or hunt, and no skills for farming, hunting, or prparing raw food.

    You know, people like these assholes who think this is a good idea.

    They will die first.

  5. When the police at these “protests” decide to start putting these scumbags down like the rabid dogs that they are, only then will this bullshit cease to happen.

  6. Antifa activists whom Kyle Rittenhouse shot, most of these people were drifters who came from places other than Atlanta.

    “Prediction, 2023 will be a deadly year for antifa…”

  7. Atlanta may be a DildoCrat run city, but I’m sure there are enough armed citizens to be “Rooftop Koreans” and give the PantyFags a run for their money.


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