What Qualifies a Celebrity to Advertise a Medical Treatment? – IOTW Report

What Qualifies a Celebrity to Advertise a Medical Treatment?

American Greatness:
Martha Stewart, Michael Phelps, Jeff Bridges, Pink, every late-night talk show host, and so many more celebrities have lined up to promote the COVID-19 vaccine and its boosters. Some, like Phelps and Pink, were clearly marked as paid promotions on social media, others were not—although it is safe to assume they weren’t working for free.

Take James Corden and Ariana Grande, who did a three-minute cringeworthy musical number to promote the vaccine on “The Late Late Show.” Or recall Stephen Colbert’s incredibly painful “Vax-Scene” sketch on “The Late Show,” or the time Anthony Fauci showed up to get his booster. No one in corporate media would devote that kind of time or waste a significant chunk of a show on a product without taking a payout directly or indirectly from a company.

Recall, too, all of the major media programs “brought to you by Pfizer” in a great video The Daily Caller produced a year ago. You can expect with massive profits, the advertising spending of that company, as well as other COVID vaccine-producing companies, has only grown. more

31 Comments on What Qualifies a Celebrity to Advertise a Medical Treatment?

  1. What Qualifies Chelsea Handler to comment on ANYTHING when she Had NO IDEA that the Sun & The Moon were different celestial objects.

    She made a complete ass of herself on Jimmy Fallon.

  2. Celebrity endorsements are nothing new. Old magazines sported smoking ads featuring every prominent celebrity including Ronald Reagan and Walt Disney. Doris Day did tractor ads, heck, even Mark Twain hocked pens.

    And as for the ubiquity of Pfizer ads, it’s called Capitalism. You can’t blame the networks for partnering with pharmaceutical companies, that is where the money is at. Turn on any network; Hallmark, Sundance, ESPN, or any of the big 3, they all feature drug ads because we are all getting older, the body breaks down and we all need what they are selling.

  3. Has anyone noticed how many times FOX News grifters have promo’d a GO Fund Me campaign . . .


    Didn’t he sign up for the $20 Life Insurance Policy FOX News advertises all day and night too.

    These Money Grubbers are just as Money Grubbing as the msNBC Money Grubbers.

    Show US who you really are Fox News.
    In High Definition this Time

  4. If they are willing to take full responsibility for anyone that dies as a result of their misfeasant medical advice, then they should be hung from the streetlamps with the drug bosses and politicians when the time comes, and their fortunes confiscated for the benefit of the victims and their families.

  5. There are no unintended consequences…. as there are no mistakes, blunders, miscalculations, misunderstandings, misconceptions, missteps, oversights or SNAFUS!
    It is intentional and by design!

  6. What Qualifies a Celebrity to Advertise a Medical Treatment?

    None, they’re pushing suicide by Celebrity. Many of us here are much smarter than a Goillywood freak. Trump’s a celebrity, what qualifications does he have? He was right about this – only because it’s mutated many times:

    May 8, 2020 “This is going to go away without a vaccine. It is going to go away. We are not going to see it again.”

    Not jabbed here, got covid, and I’m still here – haven’t been sick since and that was 12/2019. I stayed out of the line and took my chances knowing I was right about the death jab.

  7. What qualifies them is, these high level celebs have also sold their souls basically and are in on it, even if they themselves maybe don’t fully know the ultimate plan. Otherwise you’re not allowed to play at high levels. Celebs, CEO’s, politicians, etc.
    Remember Hanks for example and his odd “lost child glove” pictures meme? And the image that tipped us off finally, it had “SRC USA” written in the dirt next to the glove, which turned out to be the key to unlocking and accessing the HUGE Russian pedo/trafficking website? I saw this site with my own eyes on my own computer, before they covered it up again.. It was incredible.. Heartbreaking.. Sobering.. If I had a missing child I’d be devastated to know what they’re up to.
    If you’re on the fence about believing what is in front of you, that’s all you need to know really. Yes, they really are doing these things.

  8. Our newest Supreme Court justice told us that she can’t define what a woman is because she’s not a biologist. Therefore, the answer to the query of what qualifies a celebrity is nothing and they should shut their yaps.

  9. Slightly off-topic, but I wonder if any of them are having second thoughts now that so many people are dropping dead? I’m only assuming they wouldn’t be hawking this poison if they haven’t taken it.

  10. ecp January 23, 2023 at 11:25 am

    I put together a headline memories video on YT for us all to remember.


    Satan at work.

  11. Brown Eyed Girl
    JANUARY 23, 2023 AT 11:36 AM
    “Slightly off-topic, but I wonder if any of them are having second thoughts now that so many people are dropping dead?”

    …they CAN’T have second thoughts because they never had a thought in the FIRST place.

    They just follow a script. It’s all they know to do.

  12. @Brown Eyed Girl: My doctor who was a big time jabber told me on my last visit, that he has changed his mind on the vaccine. He knew I was an anti-vaxxer from the get-go, and he sheepishly admitted the jab was a farce. I think he’s more worried about his children than himself. Surely the cat is out of the bag, anyone who refuses to see it, it’s on them. I know some who got it who wish they hadn’t. Every day is a worry for them. David Crosby was a big time jabber pusher and he died from covid. Guess the 2 liver transplants, 3 heart attacks, Type 2 diabetes, didn’t do him in, nope, the jab that was suppose to save him didn’t work. Get the vaccine, it has saved millions of lives! DJT If you get the vaccine, you will not get covid. FJB

  13. ^^^^

    Stupid Cher and Dopey Handler probably think that the Sun, being masculine, and the Moon, being feminine, have sex together and that’s how planets get made.

    The Eclipses happen when the Sun and Moon achieve climax.

  14. I’m rewriting the lyrics to one of Cher’s hits, to better reflect her inner idiot:

    part of it:

    Half-assed, that’s all I ever heard
    Half-assed, how I learned to hate that word
    Half-assed, she’s no good they warned
    Both Cheeks were against me since the day I was born.


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