Biden Forgets the Name of His Secretary of Defense – IOTW Report

Biden Forgets the Name of His Secretary of Defense

“The Secretary of State, the Secretary of the, uh, uh, uh, military…” Biden said.

16 Comments on Biden Forgets the Name of His Secretary of Defense

  1. A most unforgettable SecDef.
    Another pretender.
    Another Affirmative Action Appointment.
    Another “Brick in the Wall” of Tyranny.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Members of clowngress are buying up stock in any company that will replace these military arms give aways.

    All contrived to make clowngress rich and America defenseless.

    Bidenhistime is an empty sock puppet. obamination’s puppet masters have their imbedded Constitutional termites in control.

  3. Someone brought up yesterday a real prudent fact…who ran Biden’s campaign for president?….you would think that getting more votes than any other president in the history of this country(By a lot!!!!) that someone would be beating their chest and making a fortune in consulting fees. Biden himself like a parrot said in October of 2020 before the election ” We have the most inclusive voter fraud group in place”

  4. I would forget his name too. In fact, the whole country would be better off if we never saw him again. He is the epitome of the Biden policy of pandering to parasites. Completely worthless, affirmative action, politically correct traitor who will go down in history as the SECDEF who killed American troops by forcing them to take the suicide jab.


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