Seattle plans to provide free mass transit for 10K Seattle Housing Authority residents – IOTW Report

Seattle plans to provide free mass transit for 10K Seattle Housing Authority residents

JTN- The Seattle Department of Transportation and the Seattle Housing Authority are partnering to provide free mass transit for more than 10,000 residents in low income housing.

“Our vision for a vibrant Seattle is dependent on a sustainable transportation system where neighbors can get where they need to go swiftly, reliably, and affordably,” said Mayor Bruce Harrell in a statement. “The SHA Transit Pass equitably expands access to opportunity and helps us meet our sustainability goals through a simple – and proven – premise: Given increased access to free and affordable transit, neighbors will take advantage.”

The program consists of fully subsidized ORCA cards, funded by the Seattle Transit Measure. MORE

17 Comments on Seattle plans to provide free mass transit for 10K Seattle Housing Authority residents

  1. “Free,” huh?

    How they gonna do that?
    The mass transit donate itself, its vehicles, its operators’ time, fuel, &c.?

    Smells like BULLSHIT!

    [Another lie] told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Back in China in the 70s or 80s there was a saying:

    “The employed make $18 per week.
    The un-employed make $19 per week – because they don’t have to pay bus fare.”

    “We want to relieve want; not to subsidize indolence.”
    (Solon of Athens on his attempt to eliminate poverty – a complete failure ~ 600 BC)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They weren’t paying for the last few years anyway.

    If you didn’t deal with the Autonomous Zone (Chaz?)
    or Shoplifting,
    or street shitting,
    or open drug use,
    or Break & enter,
    or …

  4. The town I’m near had a bakery that got bought out by progressives, It’s no longer a bakery it’s now a “vocational training” center and refuge/shelter.
    We’ve had two muggings in the past week this is news because we’ve never had those before oh and the post office is now sleeping quarters for people to piss in and dump the trash over in. No cops in town from 12 to6 AM.
    And the one guy that got attacked by three dudes was beat up even though he was armed he didn’t shoot them he just took it, probably fearing lawyer cost and court issues.

  5. Effectively people could get free bus rides in Seattle for years.

    I used to drive busses in Seattle. The rule was to challenge somebody if it was safe to do so. In other words, don’t challenge a gang banger but challenge a little old wino. Personally, I figured that challenging a little old wino just to have to let him ride anyway was like making an announcement that I was a spineless eunuch with no power to do anything. It was not as if I could tell him to get off if he didn’t pay. And if I pissed somebody off by challenging him and he assaulted me, Metro would act like it was my fault for provoking him. Why bother?

    Besides, the federal government foots most of the bill anyway. If you spend much time in Seattle you may have noticed busses that said “To Terminal” or “To Base.” That was because we were technically in service and supposed to pick up people we saw at stops along the way. As long as we could accommodate them without going out of our way, we were supposed to do it. If a bus said “Out Of Service,” that meant there was a problem with the bus and/or it was being driven by someone not qualified to drive passengers. The Feds paid for the number of “in service” miles.

    The only times I would challenge somebody was if they acted like they were pulling a fast one on me. Making me look like I didn’t care was one thing. Trying to make me look stupid was something else. I would embarrass them in front of the whole bus then tell them to sit down.

  6. Inn Seattle whenever you see the words “vibrant” & “sustainable” what you are always and without exception seeing are tip offs that this is a BOHICA proposal in the planning stage. There will be no unintended consequences, there are absolutely no flaws and failures, every damn bit of this will be the result of built in features that were deliberately and systematically vetted before being an element of the plan and were put in to achieve an inevitable result.

  7. “Our vision for a vibrant Seattle is dependent on a sustainable transportation system where neighbors homeless, drug addicts and criminals can get where they need to go swiftly, reliably, and affordably,”



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