Seattle city attorney sues carmakers Kia and Hyundai over increased car thefts – IOTW Report

Seattle city attorney sues carmakers Kia and Hyundai over increased car thefts


Seattle City Attorney Ann Davison has filed a lawsuit against Kia and Hyundai for their alleged role in an exponential increase of car theft in Seattle and other regions.

Davison’s office claims that the two car companies’ failure to install anti-theft technology has contributed to an increase of their car models being stolen in Seattle and across the region.

In the last two years, thefts of Kia and Hyundai cars increased by 363% and 503% in Seattle, according to the lawsuit. The Seattle Police Department reported a 620% increase in reports of stolen Hyundais and Kias in July, 2022 over the previous July.

Davison added that Kia and Hyundai are aware of the public safety concerns arising from the huge spike in theft of their vehicles, but “they have not taken meaningful steps to address the problem.” MORE

22 Comments on Seattle city attorney sues carmakers Kia and Hyundai over increased car thefts

  1. Or….
    How about arresting and convicting the car thieves with mandatory maximum prison sentences. It is the car buyers choice whether or not to purchase a vehicle that has an alarm or not.

  2. Can BitCoins come with that digital implant?
    Some kind of Alarm.
    When Cryptogrifters strike in the middle of a millisecond
    Flick of a Switch
    Turn On
    Turn Off

    You know . . . the Thing

  3. There is solid research that would indicate that Seattle’s policies are the number one factor involved. Whenever a person inclined to commit a crime is so certain of their chance to not get punished that there is no significant deterrent to crime.

    When you throw in the stone cold natural fact that Seattle is and has been a hotbed of outright hostility to God and the population has been inculcated in the concept of moral relativity is just another valid option, everyone gets to make up their own rules respecting the rights of others. Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are no longer recognized by the State as rights. One’s own mind ungrounded in any moral underpinnings leads directly to the immoral individual’s making the decision that their individual desires take precedence over anyone else’s rights.

    In this case it is an attack on the life of another. The rightful owner of property worked for that property and put their life’s energy into owning it. The thief has no respect for the lives of others and are unconcerned with the fact that by stealing the property of others they ae in fact usurping the right of another to what they have traded part of their life to exclusively benefit from and enjoy.

    In Seattle, where progressivism has replaced religion, envy and resentment are not the grievous sins that every major religion, and Christianity in particular, recognizes them as, they have been elevated to the status of cardinal virtues.

    Seattle is a demonic hellhole and if they were to just stew in their own juices I wouldn’t give a flying fuck what they have done to themselves. What I object to is that they are not content to shit in their own mess kit, they are actively engaged in exporting their filth and degeneracy to the surrounding communities and then throughout the entire country.

    Unless and until people stop conceding good intentions to the Satanic bastards they will continue to succeed in doing so.

  4. The article describes the steps that Kia and Hyundai have taken, yet the govt attorney flatly claims that

    they have not taken meaningful steps to address the problem.

    That’s clearly a lie. We can debate whether or not the car makers’ actions are sufficient to cover any liability they may face (and I don’t think they face ANY liability here), but that those actions are “meaningful” isn’t at all in doubt.

  5. Most reports I just read indicated:

    Chev Pickup
    Ford pick up
    GMC pickup
    No Kia in the top 10 to 12 in what i saw

    I would be much more concerned about the $$$$ pickups at 1,2, & 6 cumulatively

  6. I remember when Toyota Celicas were “THE car” to be stolen; the seats and wheels were taken and the remaining car was recovered. The insurers ‘totaled’ them, too expensive for them to replace the parts. Maybe the Korean vehicles are now “THE car,” for whatever reason; I doubt they are any easier to steal then those of any other manufacturer. Who knows? It’s Seattle

  7. Aristotle said that “Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society”

    Oh how they howled when the video documentary Seattle is Dying came out. Instead of a reasoned response to what evidence was showing in the video they rationalized and excused their way around it.

  8. My Subaru was stolen last Summer, fortunately we got it back because it sounds like someone stole it and took it for a joy ride. And my brothers Honda was stolen by some Indians (native Americans) and was found the next day by tribal Police from the Colville Indian tribe up around Nespelem, Wash. Can we sue the druggies who stole our cars? Somehow, I doubt it. The biggest ripoff was from the towing company and their damn towing fee to impound my car until I got it back, I wasn’t very happy with that.

  9. Dolts, sanctimonious dolts. The citizens of Seattle should sue Seattle City government et al for deliberately failing to do its most fundamental job: protecting the people from the public enemy.


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