Religious “Charities” Aid The Illegal Invasion – IOTW Report

Religious “Charities” Aid The Illegal Invasion

Too many receive taxpayer-funded help when they get here, from free shelter to free plane tickets. But it’s not just various levels of government that facilitate the invasion. Faith-based “charities” play a key role. The GOP/GAP must use its control of the House of Representatives to investigate these charities, strip them of their (substantial) government funding, and end their aid to the migrant invasion. MORE

13 Comments on Religious “Charities” Aid The Illegal Invasion

  1. These ‘charities’ may have good intentions… but we all know where that road leads.

    There is nothing charitable about encouraging and facilitating the mass exodus of people from their homelands; it results in broken families and vulnerable immigrants. But it is easier than missionary work in shithole countries, it pays better, and it helps to fill the empty pews in this country.

  2. When it comes to religion I’m for giving them a wide birth and act only when the circumstances are egregious and the benefit of the doubt goes to the religion. In the final analysis, when the Savior comes he won’t be waiving any earthly flag no will He be concerned about gov ID.

    To be sure, that day is not yet upon us and borders need to be secure and that is the job of the Government but if a private citizen gives to a religious charity to care for a brother or sister, regardless of status, then that is between them and the Almighty.

  3. Lookin’ at you, Bethany Services.
    The “charity services” won’t even serve the children in our foster care system, but will bend over backwards for the $$$ attached to illegals.

  4. The Charities have no idea of the background of invaders and have no way or incentive to check into it. Just blind faith that they need to help any and all even the agents from hell.

  5. I’m not sure that word faith means what you think it means?
    More like money grubbing opportunist at the cost of criminal Invaders sometimes very violent and always a pain to taxpayers.
    But hey, it’s for the children.

  6. Remember when Michelle Obama encouraged young people to reject making money working for profit businesses and told them to aspire to work for non-profits and NGO’s? I do! She was simply recruiting an army of fellow travelers for the communist cause.

  7. My church wanted me to volunteer at a local Christian clinic that gave free services to the illegals. When I looked into it, I determined that they were enabling the breaking of the immigration laws and I declined. I then asked the director if he thought that helping people break the law was appropriate for Christians. He said no and the look on his face was clear that he thought I was asking a ridiculous question. When I explained that I thought that was what his clinic was doing, he seemed startled, as if he’d never thought of it that way. The cognitive dissonance was obvious. He continued as the director for another 5 years. Nobody approached me again to ask about volunteering.

  8. Gov’t has NO BUSINESS funding “charities.” PERIOD.

    It’s nothing more than hidden payoffs to friends, cronies, and family members of Congress.

    The corruption is both wide and deep.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Hey, Doc John,

    Since you and your ‘closest companion’ make such great money, why don’t the two of you help pay off the national debt that you and your liberal friends have created???

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