Newly Leaked Video Appears to Show Ray Epps Orchestrating Breach at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 – IOTW Report

Newly Leaked Video Appears to Show Ray Epps Orchestrating Breach at the U.S. Capitol on January 6

BN: Newly released video appears to show January 6 agitator Ray Epps from an angle previously unseen before.

The video, played at a Proud Boys’ trial and leaked to Gateway Pundit, tracks prior footage of Epps that has been verified by fact checkers. It appears to show Epps working the crowd behind the gates prior to the initial breach of the Capitol building grounds.

At 1:34 in the video, Epps can be spotted walking near the gates where the breach would take place. You can see that Epps is very actively talking to the crowd and to police officers. He even turns to face the crowd, as if he were working ‘crowd control.’

If you watch the video above, Epps follows Samsel into the Capitol building grounds. The police put up very little resistance to those who initally breached the grounds. MORE

6 Comments on Newly Leaked Video Appears to Show Ray Epps Orchestrating Breach at the U.S. Capitol on January 6

  1. With all this video that is out there and how Trojan horse organized this was….I am disgusted that so many of the J6 people are still behind bars when the truth that all the destruction and illegalities were done by bad actors and well organized. I am really losing faith for justice in this country. Right now we are no better than Venezuela

  2. Where is that brillo headed Ratskin, to cry over Epps now?
    I have no faith in any party.
    The new crew apparently wants to grandstand just as much as the old crew.
    Day one should have been the release of the Pelosi/Schumer political prisoners.
    I’ve held the thought, for quite awhile now, that we are Venezuela 2.0, except those in charge of our destruction will take us to new depths.

  3. I suppose it is possible Epps was actually not actually acting on behalf of the FBI or Democrats and was orchestrating an establishment Republican black operation. How the Republican establishment acts toward him will reveal everything we need to know about that.

  4. The part the Republican establishment played will come out just as soon as it no longer serves their friends across the aisle to keep it from the public. The fact that without the establishment Republicans playing along this guy would not be enjoying freedom tells me that his participation has a strong connection to them.

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