Pregnant Wife of Republican Presidential Hopeful Faints During Campaign Announcement – IOTW Report

Pregnant Wife of Republican Presidential Hopeful Faints During Campaign Announcement

Resist The Mainstream
The first Republican to challenge former President Donald Trump to become the party’s 2024 presidential nominee was criticized during his announcement.

The wife of West Virginia businessman Rollan Roberts II fainted during his announcement ceremony at the state capitol January 20. Roberts’ reaction may make him the first Republican to get criticized faster than Donald Trump.

Rebecca Roberts is five months pregnant and began to visibly sway during her husband’s speech before collapsing to the floor. The businessman did not see her swaying because she was part of a group standing behind him. The sound of her falling prompted him to turn and look in her direction.

Roberts turned his torso in her direction while both hands continued to grasp the sides of the lectern he stood behind. After a few seconds he walks toward his fallen wife, but that brief delay in response drew criticism. MORE

7 Comments on Pregnant Wife of Republican Presidential Hopeful Faints During Campaign Announcement

  1. I don’t think Trump will end up running in 2024. I think wifey will lay down the law. Can you blame her? DeSantes is sure as hell not the answer. So I’m waiting for the next champion to reveal themselves. Sure as hell ain’t this clown.


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