Jerry Garcia’s Grateful Dead cannabis brand is leaving California – IOTW Report

Jerry Garcia’s Grateful Dead cannabis brand is leaving California


Jerry Garcia is one of the most iconic pot smokers in California history. Born in San Francisco, Garcia led the Grateful Dead for 30 years as the city became an international beacon of counterculture, and he did it all while casually and openly smoking weed. His pot pipe is considered an artifact of California cannabis history.

But even the iconic Jerry Garcia name couldn’t survive California’s turbulent legal pot market.

The Garcia Hand Picked brand, launched by the deceased musician’s family in 2020, has pulled out of the state, a spokesperson confirmed to SFGATE. Garcia’s exit comes as cannabis insiders predict a “mass extinction event” for California’s pot industry, with thousands of companies expected to go out of business this year. 

Andrew DeAngelo, a cannabis consultant and former owner of Harborside, one of the state’s pioneering medical cannabis dispensaries, said the Garcia brand probably learned the same thing that all of California’s pot companies have realized: “You can’t make any money in this market.”

“Not only is Garcia leaving, a lot of people are leaving,” DeAngelo told SFGATE. “It’s a real shame that California is losing out. We’re losing out on jobs and economic activity and other places are benefiting from that.” more

18 Comments on Jerry Garcia’s Grateful Dead cannabis brand is leaving California

  1. There are Absolutely Tons of Pot stores in Toronto.
    Very few are making money.
    The Illegal Market is stronger than ever.

    Makes no difference to me.

    Only the Gov’t can take a product that in in very high demand and find a way to loose money on it.

  2. Supposedly the IRS took over the Bunny Ranch in Nevada and ran it to recoup some of the back taxes owed. They apparently drove it into bankruptcy. Only government could bankrupt a business that sells whiskey and pussy to the masses.

    Garcia and the Dead were never emblematic of reefer to me. They were emblematic of the worst, smelliest characteristics of the long term heroin head’s interpretation of Alister Crowley’s creed.

    Pot? Snoop. That and the occasional murder of course. A hundred bucks buys an ounce of kick ass weed on the open market (what the state calls the black market). What’s that cost in the weed store? Don’t know, never been in.

  3. If my faulty memory is correct, back in the ’90s the IRS seized a legal brothel in Nevada, ran it and lost money. If the government can’t make money selling liquor and pussy, why do they think they will make money by over taxing weed?

  4. If you have good we3ed here in California, you can make it. Dispensaries are popping up – there’s even one here in town ran by the Maidu Indian tribe. They’ll become like liquor stores, one on every corner instead of a church. The Garcia family was cashing in on his name instead of the quality of the weed. Plenty of brands to choose from. Also, the underground weed industry is in full swing here, growers are cutting out the middle man.

  5. ““You can’t make any money in this market.”

    Hmm, seems like they should have discovered that in the rough draft of their biz plan. Maybe too high on cocaine, and riding to many trains.

  6. The Jerry Garcia I knew was a decent bidness man. I have some cool going-to-church neckties to prove it.

    As to the ‘legit’ pot market, the Ag News said it best 15 years ago. When the stoners were drooling over fortunes to be made, the smart money knew that ONE decent farmer could blow them ALL away, because they know how to farm. Duh.

    And never forget Jamaica, their GDP, quality of life, and their tourism that they periodically destroy themselves.

  7. I am a little torn about this. Yes, I know Garcia is a leftist. However, I am also a scuba diver and he has been instrumental in setting up dive sites in Hawaii that do not distract from the beauty of swimming among the fishes.

  8. As with every other gov’t “fix” it’s a clusterfuck.

    At some point a monopoly will be established, with the cartels or without them, and Newsom, et al, will be reaping the profits.

    Gov’t is an organized crime syndicate in competition with the SA drug cartels (though the SA drug cartels and China supply the drugs) and will ultimately win.
    Simply speaking, the gov’t has superior force – and will project it to protect its interests.

    No coincidences.
    No paradoxes.
    No unintended consequences.

    Just hidden agendas.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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