The FBI Is Starting to Look a Bit Like the KGB – IOTW Report

The FBI Is Starting to Look a Bit Like the KGB

Blue State Conservative:

I’m going to be discussing the FBI because they’re all over the news lately – but not in a good way, rather in a “what have they done now” way. However, I’m not dismissing the contribution of the overarching DOJ. They’ve certainly been complicit in the misdeeds of the FBI which they oversee.

For my uninformed readers, communist Russia had this organization called the KGB. Its responsibility was to support the communist party. KGB is short for Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti – which translates to Committee for State Security. Hmm…Committee for State Security? Isn’t that what the FBI does – advance the security of the state, which every communist understands to be the security of the party? 

KGB- Pixabay

Recently it seems that the FBI is willing to go to any length to protect the party – the Democrat National Committee.

The FBI has destroyed evidence of crimes committed by party officials. During the Clinton email investigation, the feds destroyed computers and cell phones, at the request of the party official running for President, who also happened to be the target of the investigation – Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The FBI fabricated evidence against officials working for the RNC. That would be people promoting a candidate to prevent the American communists from getting 4 more years of power. An FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, actually changed an email to mean the exact opposite of its intended message – to obtain a FISA warrant to surveil the Trump campaign.

After the 2016 election the FBI participated in a coup attempt against a duly elected president – because he was not of the preferred party. They triggered the appointment of a special counsel to investigate a crime that they knew never happened. They used the investigation, not the existence of any actual evidence, to taint the administration and support attempts to remove the President from office. more

16 Comments on The FBI Is Starting to Look a Bit Like the KGB


    Were your eyes and ears shut in ’01 when a KGB agent was made head of
    FBI. ? Did you not read conservative – I say conservative NOT REPUBLICAN- papers nor hear El Rusbo on radio?

    FBI has been the “elite’s” tool for 22 years!

    For 40 years DDR had is own KGB – Stasi. Stasi was in fact the bastard child of Germany’s Gestpo. a Gestapo leader 85 years ago happened to be
    – Gruppenfuhrer Heinrich Mueller –

    Coincidence? HARDLY1

    A Groupleader is FIELD GRADE; less than FLAG. But still a significant rank.

    Or was GWB just a dumb, rich kid who had no idea of who or what he worked with and put in charge?
    I may be wrong; but I think GWB knew what he did.

  2. The new Congress should remove FBI funding from the budget. I might be willing to leave funding for the lab and fingerprint records, but even the FBI lab was the center of controversy a few years ago.

  3. You know they’re involved and running antifa. Shoot one of them and FBI will be all over you. Shoot up a country music concert and… oh well!

    Not just them, either.

    Try shooting the fake conservative group that wears khaki and face masks marching around pretending they’re a conservative faction and you’ll see the FBI go ape shit on finding the shooter.

    They are an enemy of America.

  4. the only reason this country exists is because we the people believe and pledge allegiance. see newsom sb960. now how do i pledge allegiance to a foreign entity without committing treason. maybe the wall is to keep us felons in and all the free people are south. i know the power stays on in mexico if you give them money.

  5. Worker peasant TAX Slave
    JANUARY 30, 2023 AT 12:10 PM
    “The FBI makes the KGB look like 2nd graders. It’s past time to trim them up, and install effective oversight!!”

    “Effective Oversight”?

    …that’s YOUR job!

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