Constitutional lawyer Emord joins Virginia GOP primary field in bid to unseat Democrat Sen. Kaine – IOTW Report

Constitutional lawyer Emord joins Virginia GOP primary field in bid to unseat Democrat Sen. Kaine

JTN: Constitutional and administrative attorney Jonathan Emord on Tuesday announced his bid to win next year’s Virginia GOP Senate primary and challenge incumbent Democrat Sen. Tim Kaine for his seat.

Emord in his announcement sought to tie Kaine to President Biden and put the responsibility for such problems as inflation, record migration at the southern U.S. border and the related influx of the dangerous synthetic narcotic fentanyl at their feet. 

Emord argues fentanyl killed roughly 2,000 Virginians last year. 

Like Virginia GOP Gov. Glen Youngkin, who in 2021 crafted a winning gubernatorial campaign on public education reform, Emord has also set his sights on schools, which he argues “indoctrinate and transition rather than educate” students. MORE

7 Comments on Constitutional lawyer Emord joins Virginia GOP primary field in bid to unseat Democrat Sen. Kaine

  1. I don’t care who runs in the primary, but you had damned well coalesce around the winner to beat the democrat in the general election. Stop being republicrats and fighting all the way past losing to the democrat in the general.

  2. Timmy Kaine seems to have a primary challenger.
    Zoey Maria King (D) – Transgender Rights Activist

    Of course He? She? It? They? Them? won’t get anywhere but it’s entertaining just the same.

  3. I haven’t ever heard of Emord, but look forward to finding out more. Right now shows this Republican field running against Timmy.

    Gary Barve (R) – MAGA Activist & Frequent Candidate
    Hung Cao (R) – Retired Navy Captain, Nonprofit Founder & ’22 US Rep Nominee
    Jonathan Emord (R) – Attorney & Conservative Activist
    Craig Ennis (R) – Electrician, National Guard Veteran & Frequent Candidate
    Eddie Garcia (R) – Financial Advisor, Ex-Congressional Aide & Retired Army Officer
    Kimberly Lowe (R) – Policy Advisor, Farmer & ’22 US Rep Candidate
    Chuck Smith (R) – Attorney, Navy Veteran & Frequent Candidate
    Glenn Youngkin (R) – Governor & Businessman

    I see they list Youngkin, but he has made no such announcement at this time.
    I really like Hung Cao, who ran an unwinnable House race in deep state Northern Virginia.

    It’s early. Too early to tell anything at this point.

  4. Until we fix the election system by returning to paper ballots, get rid of rank choice, early voting, mail in ballots (only military and out of country), no voter ID exceptions, harvesting ballots….etc, it doesn’t matter much.
    They’re turning inches into miles.

  5. You are so right, Different Tim. Just look at our state. We have that witch Gritch for another 4 years due to fraud.

    I know it and every Michigander knows it no matter what they say. The left knows they did NOT win.


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