Border sheriff says Biden admin has completely ignored calls for help – IOTW Report

Border sheriff says Biden admin has completely ignored calls for help

DC: The Biden administration has failed to respond to sheriffs’ calls for solutions along the southern border, Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels said during a congressional hearing discussing the southern border Wednesday.

Dannels described unsuccessful attempts to reach President Joe Biden directly and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas regarding solutions to the border crisis. Federal authorities recorded more than 2.3 million migrant encounters in fiscal year 2022 alone, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

“We actually have on behalf of the National Sheriffs’ Association … Our National Sheriffs senior leadership has attempted through letters to reach out to President Biden, he’s been invited to our events with major county sheriffs, western sheriffs, southwest border and national. We have never gotten a response back from this president. In fact, I was told just a couple months ago he’s the first president not to meet with sheriffs in this country. He still has not to date to my knowledge,” Dannels said in response to questioning by Republican Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson. more

8 Comments on Border sheriff says Biden admin has completely ignored calls for help

  1. When in doubt, with no further instructions from higher up, don’t be there. But…..”someone” will be there, shooting the illegal alien invaders. And, oh golly gosh gee, by the time you arrive at the sound of the gunfire, the mystery shooter is gone. Too bad. Your job then will be to (your choice); bury the bodies where they fell; notify the Mexican Federales to come pick them up; do nothing & leave them where they fell. That’ll get the FedGov attention!

  2. Why we don’t have civilians set up with Barrett 50 cals every half mile of the border is beyond me.
    By the way, Barrett, who likes to bill themselves as “The All American Company” just sold out to an Australian investment firm. I hope they cancel all of their Military contracts.

  3. If the (known) race cleansing Joe Biden addressed the illegal invader matter it would mean he would have that many less people to exploit, plunder, and subject to organ harvesting and slave labor. Even in his dum-dum brain Biden knows full well he can’t enslave REAL Americans so he goes after the stupid, gullible, naive, weak, and impotent. Add the glaring fact he paid big coin to the leadership of those nations to have their people sent across US borders under the false pretense of bogus promises. Already many of the underage, women, and teenagers have accused him of trafficking them into sadistic and forced seks labor cults and homeless tents and shelters.

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