Report: Imams Pimp Vulnerable Females in Sweden – IOTW Report

Report: Imams Pimp Vulnerable Females in Sweden

RAIR: A Muslim who is feeling sexually deprived pays an imam to perform a “pleasure marriage” between himself and a child or young woman in return for a cut of the fee.

Over a dozen Imams and Muslim “religious” leaders in Sweden were recently caught carrying out “temporary” Islamic marriages, also known as “pleasure marriages” for Muslim men. Temporary marriage is a euphemism for Islamic religiously sanctioned prostitution.

Authorities claimed to have been shocked to learn the Imam are pimping “vulnerable women” to Muslim men. Yet, these egregious exploitative practices are commonplace among third-world Muslim migrant cultures and are now a systemic problem in Sweden and other Western nations. MORE

8 Comments on Report: Imams Pimp Vulnerable Females in Sweden

  1. Islam is a religion of evil. They do this every where they are and have done for centuries. If they were blind to this, wait till they find out about the young boys they assault.
    Islam Delenda est.

  2. I’m sure these Imams can be tracked down to their lairs and “dealt” with.
    People talk about how more satisfying the “CRACK” of a wooden (cricket) bat is vs the “PING” of aluminum. Time to do some research. It might have to be under cover of a dark moonless night.


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