Mark Steyn Leaves GBNews After Company Demands Contract Indemnifying Them Against Lawsuits for Wrong Think and British Regulatory Speech Violations – IOTW Report

Mark Steyn Leaves GBNews After Company Demands Contract Indemnifying Them Against Lawsuits for Wrong Think and British Regulatory Speech Violations

CTH: Mark Steyn, the only man qualified to replace Rush Limbaugh, has announced his departure from GBNews after the British media company requested a contract making Steyn legally accountable for any speech or wrong-think as identified by British regulators within the Office of Communication (OfComm). {Direct Rumble Link}

Within Britain, all media speech is monitored by the Office of Communications (OfComm), where official government censors track commentary according to regulatory and compliance rules established by the government.  Previously, Mark Steyn ran afoul of the OfComm investigators when he began questioning the efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 vaccinations.  There are two investigations ongoing with possible fines pending for violating rules on government approved speech.

Into this mix comes the now capitulating GBNews organization, where Mark Steyn and Neil Oliver have both pushed the boundaries of acceptable thought.   MORE

10 Comments on Mark Steyn Leaves GBNews After Company Demands Contract Indemnifying Them Against Lawsuits for Wrong Think and British Regulatory Speech Violations

  1. Steyn is having heart trouble and has been out for a while FYI to all. Never fails, all our peeps go down early while the scum of the earth live into their 90’s peddling their bullshit with a free pass from the Legacy media.

    It’s depressing.

  2. I had hoped that Steyn would get Rush’s job. I’m not wild about the two valley girls doing the show. I know they try to appeal to younger audiences, but I can’t stand how they sound like teen girls at a slumber party much of the time.

  3. Anyone fined by the OffComm that is at any later time proven to have been correct (As Steyn is being proven regarding the virus and vaccines) should be paid 5X the original fine by the government.

  4. “Anyone fined by the OffComm …”

    No gov’t should be fining ANYONE for speaking facts. PERIOD.
    That is the stuff of nightmares: Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Communist China, North Korea.

    UK needs another Civil War – their gov’t has become that which they went to war against in 1939.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Mr Steyn needs to escape GB, flee to the US and claim political asylum, then restart his b’cast career in one of the red Western states.

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