Half of Americans Say They Are Worse Off, Highest Since Great Recession – IOTW Report

Half of Americans Say They Are Worse Off, Highest Since Great Recession

Breitbart: Half of Americans say they are worse off financially than they were a year ago, the highest level of reported decline since the financial crisis, a Gallup poll released Wednesday showed.

The results are unusually grim.

“Since Gallup first asked this question in 1976, it has been rare for half or more of Americans to say they are worse off. The only other times this occurred was during the Great Recession era in 2008 and 2009,” Gallup News said.

The results of the survey, taken between January 2nd and the 22nd, suggest the high toll of inflation on the financial situation of many Americans. Average hourly and weekly wages declined for the second consecutive year in 2022, as pay increases were swamped by higher prices. Gallup said higher interest rates and the decline in the stock market also weighed on people’s view of their financial situation.

The results come as unemployment has fallen to the lowest level since 1969 and job openings have been at or near historical records.

Last year, Americans were evenly divided on whether they were better off or worse off, splitting 41 percent to 41 percent. They were evenly divided the year before that, as well. MORE

4 Comments on Half of Americans Say They Are Worse Off, Highest Since Great Recession

  1. Of course we are worse off! It’s a recession. Job #s are Government lies! Read the post here yesterday on how the left – Government, media, et.al. – lie about employment.

    Last Refuge 2/4/23

    a conservative, union president, Dem hit the nail on the head in 1947 when he aid (I think for the first time)

     “The government can never solve our problems … THE GOVERNMENT IS OUR PROBLEM!”
    After he left the Dem I voted for him 9 times. Wish it were more! again, FOR EMPHASIS


  2. Then there’s that 30% that is quickly growing into 40% that are deadbeats, criminals and drugged-out zombies who love the free shit and want more! They love this demented Jackass and will vote democRAT every time they’re rounded up at election time!


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