Republicans say Biden lied about their position on Social Security, Medicare to scare seniors – IOTW Report

Republicans say Biden lied about their position on Social Security, Medicare to scare seniors

JTN: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene wasn’t alone Tuesday night in openly arguing President Biden in his State of the Union address misstated House Republicans’ position on the future of Medicare and Social Security. 

“I think, because he lied, it was a frustration,” Kentucky GOP Rep. Thomas Massie told Just the News after Biden’s roughly 72-minute address.

Biden riled the House GOP when he said: “Other Republicans say if we don’t cut Social Security and Medicare, they’ll let America default on its debt for the first time in our history. I won’t let that happen.

The remark resulted in loud boos and Greene shouting “liar.”

Massie also argued Biden said the GOP “wants to get rid of both of those and sunset Medicare. Nobody believes that. How do you get away with a lie like that?” MORE

7 Comments on Republicans say Biden lied about their position on Social Security, Medicare to scare seniors

  1. I’ve not heared any Republican calling for to sunset Social Security or Medicare.
    On the other hand I have heard democRATz calling for it!
    Once again we see them accuse Conservatives of exactly what they do or want to do!

  2. Anyone else remember AlGore’s Ironclad Lock Box?

    Oct 31, 2000 — A Gore spokesman, meanwhile, says his candidate’s lockbox is more secure than Bush’s lockbox. The Gore lockbox is “ironclad,” explains …

  3. Back in the day I clearly remember Dennis Kucinich, the worthless, little, federal tit-sucking parasite that he is, working the crowd by yelling about how Republicans are going to take away Social Security and Medicare!!
    DemocRATz have used that as a lever for decades!


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