Whistleblower reveals FBI tried to open criminal cases on 140 people just for taking bus to J6 rally – IOTW Report

Whistleblower reveals FBI tried to open criminal cases on 140 people just for taking bus to J6 rally

JTN – A recently retired FBI supervisory intelligence analyst told Congress in a whistleblower disclosure that agents in Boston were improperly pressured by Washington to open criminal cases on 140 people who had simply taken a bus ride to the Jan. 6 rally in Washington. The agents refused because there was no evidence the attendees engaged in any criminality, the whistleblower said.

George Hill’s testimony to the House Judiciary Committee also raised new civil liberty concerns about the FBI’s Jan. 6 probe, including whether the Bureau mined Americans’ bank records without court authority and whether the agency possesses video footage it is refusing to release because it identifies undercover agents and human sources who were at the U.S. Capitol that fateful day.

Hill, a military veteran and longtime analyst for the National Security Agency (NSA) and FBI who retired last year from the Bureau’s Boston field office, told Just the News on Wednesday night that he disclosed concerns earlier this week to the House Judiciary Committee during a transcribed deposition, including that the Bureau analyzed banking data without evidence of a crime — simply to find Americans who traveled to Washington around the time of Jan. 6 or who owned a gun. MORE

8 Comments on Whistleblower reveals FBI tried to open criminal cases on 140 people just for taking bus to J6 rally

  1. The House of Representatives needs to begin to put in place a move to defund the Agency stat. I promise you that once their careers are threatened the whistle blowers will start coming out of the woodwork in battalion strength.

    It’s obvious their honor means nothing to them. You show me a man who doesn’t place high value his personal honor and I will show you a man who overvalues the ephemeral every time.

  2. “…the Bureau analyzed banking data without evidence of a crime — simply to find Americans who traveled to Washington around the time of Jan. 6 or who owned a gun. ”

    …which the banks WILLINGLY gave up without a fight.

    Banned some of their customers for going there, too.

    …and y’all are worried about Chinese apps when your Bank will sell you down the river in a heartbeat…

  3. Tuesday evening I attended an event raising money in support of the January 6 prisoners. One woman spoke whose husband is still imprisoned after two years and yet to stand trial and another woman who personally was imprisoned but released pending trial. The stories they told of the horrible conditions and treatment made my blood boil.
    Maybe that’s why the evil gubmint bastards are doing it – to either set an example to scare others or to trick people into vengeful violence.

  4. Whatever happened to the right of peaceful assembly? Or does that only apply to the so called peaceful Antifa types, the peaceful muslimes, (religion of peace, my ass) blacks, other minorities like gays and trannies etc. and all other govt. approved democrap victim groups.

  5. As deep as my lack of respect is for the individuals within the Agency who have been involved in any of this (including any who know the score and have not come forward), it shrinks to insignificance compared to the utter and total contempt I hold the establishment Republicans in who have allowed this to continue. Without their buy in it would stop, it continues because they want it to continue.

    McCarthy can put a stop to it at any time. He is just hunky dory with it, the Bushites want it to continue and have had as much to do with persecuting people who are totally innocent of any crime as the Democrats. That is a stone cold natural fact and you know I’m right about it.


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