Coincidence Not Conspiracy? – IOTW Report

Coincidence Not Conspiracy?

h/t Mrs.6pak

21 Comments on Coincidence Not Conspiracy?

  1. Don’t know how other feel but I’m becoming suspicious of the food I’m eating.
    Let a shortage happen so you can quickly remove existing supplies and restock a modified or altered product?

  2. “Don’t know how other feel but I’m becoming suspicious of the food I’m eating.”

    Me too Tim. Have you noticed how much water they’re pumping into chicken lately? It’s crazy. Makes you wonder what else they’re pumping into them.

  3. ^^^^ Been thinking about that for the past few days when I heard prices have started coming down and supplies have gone up. Yeah, after they found a way to alter the eggs. I will never eat another store bought egg. Glad we have a few chickens on the property.

  4. The so-called leaders of the world are the enemies of the people. They are so cold-hearted they have engineered a baby-formula shortage. The baby food section in my local supermarket is still mostly empty.

    The world is messed up and getting worse by the day.

    I won’t say the leaders are insane, no more than Hitler was insane – they are doing what they have to do to get rid of millions of us. Food shortages and high prices will help in reaching that nefarious goal.

  5. once is instance. twice is coincidence. third time is enemy action. we’re approaching the 2,767,541st time, so active war is under way and has been for a while now. local,local,local. not just where, but who. buy from the little guy, grow your own to the extent you can. guerrilla gardening is easier than you might think. they can’t poison or starve you if you don’t play in their sandbox.

  6. Sapper Chris

    Exactly. We get most of our beef from a local butcher and he get his cows from local ranches. Vegetables from the local farmers markets. Need to work on the poultry. The butcher does do chicken and he only does Turkeys twice a year.

  7. “The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

  8. Our forefathers would have been inviting the dirty mohterfuckers to be guest of honor at a necktie party by now.

    I would suggest looking very closely at elected officials financial interest in egg producers.

    Add Bill Gates to the investigation of who made significant financial moves into egg production as well.

    Follow the money.

  9. I live in South Central Missouri – we grow rocks and mud.
    Here, it isn’t “steers per acre” it’s “acres per steer.”
    Unless you have some rich bottom land, you ain’t growin shit.
    I’ve tried – greenhouse and 20″ pots – won’t feed a family.
    Need to learn to eat rocks.
    Chickens do well, but I haven’t the heart to kill them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. 25-30 years ago I had chickens, still have the coop. They are not much trouble and if you get a rooster he’s better than a dog in one way – you can’t be-friend him and he is pretty sure he owns the place. I remember him chasing kids on bikes up and down the road. Cooked him up in cider in the pressure cooker after he attacked the wife.

  11. We had chickens few yrs ago and the roosters were scary!
    Get some cold frames and raise all sorts of greens and things pretty soon. Start some seeds indoors. Backwoods Hm for good online info.

  12. I can produce so many tomatoes on a half dozen plants there is no possible way a family of four could consume them. The kids can generate about $60 in an evening mid August – September by the time they get bored and shut down their tomato stand.

    I grab whats still there after the first freeze and freeze them whole in gallon Zip Loc bags. They make up into soup or spaghetti sauce just fine.

    You have to know how to apply chicken shit and the stuff is incredible. If you are clueless, you will kill everything in the truck patch. Use Miracle Grow instead. If I had the land available I could easily feed the family on a an acre.

    Most of our meat is deer or elk.

  13. Feeding hens with goat feed and they started to lay again. Also allow them to run around the yard and get bugs, weeds and grass, as well as plenty of food scraps. Stopped eating chickens switched to cornish hens, don’t know if that’s any better but it sure tastes better and seems more nutrient dense. Getting all beef from local grass fed farm and stopped eating all grains and anything with sugar. Feeling much better. Cholesterol went thru the roof but the doctor can take his statins and shuv it. LDL isn’t bad, if you stop eating inflammatory causing foods (grains and sugar).


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