Reporter Arrested After Filming Ohio Train Crash Press Conference – IOTW Report

Reporter Arrested After Filming Ohio Train Crash Press Conference

Envolve: What are they trying to hide in Ohio?

As WLT reported,  on February 3rd a train that was transporting highly toxic chemicals derailed in Ohio and on February 6th authorities conducted a “controlled release” of the chemicals.

Well, now a News Nation reporter was violently taken down by police officers after he was recording at the Ohio train derailment press conference.

The reporter was aggressively pushed toward the ground while attending the press conference where Ohio’s governor was set to speak about the current air quality in the nearby areas where the chemicals were spilled. MORE

10 Comments on Reporter Arrested After Filming Ohio Train Crash Press Conference

  1. WTF? At worst, the reporter was being rude: still talking after being asked to be quiet. Forceful take-down, restraints, stuffed into cop car, and charged with CRIMINAL trespass is so over-the-top I expect next to hear the cops were rent-a-thugs from Hong Kong.

  2. I doubt this Journalist behaved remotely as Badly as Jimmy Acosta & CNN at the Trump White House.

    Lets hope he sues the person who gave the order to arrest.

  3. What kind of cops are those? They look like hired thugs.
    Good thing the reporter has a professional, calm demeanor. He’s a big boy!! I bet he could have taken them down.
    I hope News Nation sues.
    The statement from DeWine’s office was weak.
    Anyone call Jim Jordan yet?

  4. It must be “extremely sensitive” if the DHS pigs are arresting reporters.
    I have questions:
    1. How does one be considered “trespassed” on public property?
    2. “Not shutting up” is not a crime. Has the 1st Amendment been suspended?
    3. When are Americans going to grow tired of the tyranny of an overreaching gaggle of reprobates and charlatans who are posing as our representatives?

  5. The Propaganda Organ of Nihilistic Totalitarianism (the Media) have been bent over for so long they’ve mostly forgotten how to actually do “news.” Now, when one tries, he gets the treatment the proles get on a regular basis.

    Sort of like speaking out at a school board meeting?
    “Trespassing” has become the regular charge at both school board meetings and press conferences with the thug cops doing beat-downs.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. A press release for all media in progress but this guy insist on ignoring the information being presented and talks to his camera in the room. Should have stepped out of the room if was not interested in the current situation. Hey look at me I have important stuff to report

  7. Meh. Never saw a repoter report anything about a fire correctly, like with facts n stuff, in the first place.

    And they’re stupid, too.

    After a minor tornado, a print media reporter looking for a story relayed information from an interview concerning somewhat exaggerated local damage. She didn’t actually see the damage but dutifully ask the man if she could use his name, which he consented to.

    His name as reoorted was Rusty Shackelford.

    …if you don’t know, look it up…


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