Adidas Considers Axing Beyoncé as ‘Inclusive’ and ‘Gender-Neutral’ Clothing Line Tanks – IOTW Report

Adidas Considers Axing Beyoncé as ‘Inclusive’ and ‘Gender-Neutral’ Clothing Line Tanks

Federalist Papers: A new report says buyers are giving the boot to a line of shoes and other items Adidas is marketing in partnership with pop star Beyoncé.

The gap between expected sales and reality is about $200 million, according to The Wall Street Journal.

A January 2022 Adidas news release hailed the arrival of what was ballyhooed as “a new rule-breaking, trail-blazing expression of performance wear” from Adidas and Ivy Park, a company owned by Beyoncé.

One of the features promoted was that this line of shoes had “inclusive and gender-neutral sizing in fashion styles, performance gear, footwear and accessories.”

The Journal report, which cited “documents and people familiar with the matter,” said sales of Ivy Park items dropped by more than 50 percent in 2022.

In terms of dollars, sales were about $40 million, well below projections of $250 million, the Journal reported.

The newspaper reported that the Ivy Park line has been a money-loser for Adidas, but not for Beyoncé, who rakes in $20 million in the deal with Adidas. MORE

21 Comments on Adidas Considers Axing Beyoncé as ‘Inclusive’ and ‘Gender-Neutral’ Clothing Line Tanks

  1. …correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Bouncy build her fame on FLAUNTING her sex?

    …seems a bit counterintuitive to purchase clothes specifically designed to DOWNPLAY sexuality from her then, n’est-ce pas?

  2. Beyonce and her husband Jay Z are a couple of racist hypocrites.

    About 15 or so years ago Beyonce had a clothing line deal with Macy’s.
    It was a line of clothing for children.
    The problem was that the clothes looked like hooker clothes.
    There was such negative backlash that Macy’s canned the whole thing.

  3. beachmom
    FEBRUARY 10, 2023 AT 1:05 PM

    “About 15 or so years ago Beyonce had a clothing line deal with Macy’s.
    It was a line of clothing for children.
    The problem was that the clothes looked like hooker clothes.
    There was such negative backlash that Macy’s canned the whole thing.”

    …for now.


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