Project Veritas Board Gets Massive Cease & Desist Letter From Top Donors After Rumored James O’Keefe Ouster – IOTW Report

Project Veritas Board Gets Massive Cease & Desist Letter From Top Donors After Rumored James O’Keefe Ouster

TPN: Over the past few days, there has been rumors flying on Twitter about the possibility of the Project Veritas board ousting James O’Keefe as their leader. This has caused a massive backlash from not only fans, but now from top donors.

On Friday, a cease and desist letter to the Project Veritas board was leaked to Twitter.

The letter was first shared by Twitter user “Swig”, and it states that the “firm represents a large group of significant donors to Project Veritas.”

“By threatening or taking these actions,” the letter continues, “the Board is straying from its roots and the express purpose for which it raised considerable funds from the public, including our clients.” more

14 Comments on Project Veritas Board Gets Massive Cease & Desist Letter From Top Donors After Rumored James O’Keefe Ouster

  1. I have no doubt that Pfizer is involved in this coup, but it’s been coming for a long time, and this ham-fisted power play by the board is only the latest attempt to crush PV.

  2. Like Donald J Trump I believe James O’Keefe will survive “the great pussy controversy”. And yes perhaps Barry Hinckley is a pussy and plant who sole purpose was disrupt Project Veritas.

  3. As I do not likeGWB I hope O’Keefe beats him! Bt GWB maybe degenerate HE IS NOT DUMB!

    His man D. Strack is a very competent, experienced “knee caper”!
    I hope James is walking tomorrow!

  4. @ Sourpuss FEBRUARY 10, 2023 AT 7:48 PM

    It is a recurring pattern.

    The Constitutional conservative movement is attractive to many power hungry glommers on. I saw it with the TEA Party and the reason I vamoosed myself is that I could see the writing on the wall. The usual suspects showed up with their entourage and bullied their way around. Controlling the debate and shoving their weight around until they got their way. They were organized and practiced and it was patently obvious that they had the “suburban housewife” element, you know the ones who claim to be fiscally conservative, but socially liberal, totally stupefied and all horned up. There were enough of them that with the guys who fall for anything the fix was in and I was out of there.

    Although I had opted out, I kept an eye on things and it may as well been Romney/Ryan running the show before long.

  5. 1 complaint was lie detectors. Considering who they have “taken down”, lie detectors on a weekly basis would be in order. If you have Pfizer money, would you send in a spy(s) regardless of the cost? It is possible many current employees are on 2 payrolls, if you know what I mean.

  6. Rush Limbaugh said it: if conservatism isn’t practiced every day, things will naturally drift to the left.

    Great point, but I will also add that “the tendency for everything to drift to the Left” is because there is a war going on only we don’t know it. As a result we have not really Identified or treated the Left as the enemy that they are! They are not just our enemy they are the enemy of the nation!


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