4th court order blocks enforcement of Illinois gun ban as taxpayers’ legal bill grows – IOTW Report

4th court order blocks enforcement of Illinois gun ban as taxpayers’ legal bill grows

JTN: When the myriad cases against Illinois’ gun and magazine ban will be resolved remains unclear, but what is certain is taxpayers are footing the bill.

Illinois’ ban on certain semi-automatic guns and magazine capacities has been in effect since Jan. 10. Since then, four temporary restraining orders have been put in place, including a new TRO being issued Friday, the second one for Effingham County.

Attorney Thomas DeVore, who secured the latest restraining order in state court, says of the three cases he’s filed, two in Effingham County and one in White County, 4,713 individual plaintiffs and 148 Federal Firearms Licensees from across the state are protected against enforcement. MORE

7 Comments on 4th court order blocks enforcement of Illinois gun ban as taxpayers’ legal bill grows

  1. I guess Illinois is exempt from upholding the Bill of Rights?
    The lawyers just keep raking in the dough while citizens are raped, robbed, and murdered by thugs (both in uniform and out).
    And that fat, worthless fraud POS in the governor’s mansion says “Let em eat shit!”
    The peeps of Illinois think graft and corruption are funny!
    They laugh about Union road jobs that have been milked for 20-25 years!


    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. 1) lawyers come up with something they know will be challenged in court
    2) lawyers have their bros in government write the “law”
    3) lawyers challenge the law in court
    4) taxpayers pick up the tab
    5) lawyers contribute to political campaigns
    6) repeat

  3. That’s how lawfare works.

    Since your money pays for BOTH sides, its not that they think they will win on the merits,

    …It’s that they KNOW you can’t afford to fight, and they will happily drain you with continuances and appeals until you’ve sold all that you have and can no longer afford to fight.

    See General Flynn for further details.

  4. Dr. Hambone
    FEBRUARY 12, 2023 AT 11:35 AM
    “When I can no longer afford to fight legally, I’ll resort to other measures.”

    …you can kill one, maybe two, but then they come for your kids and take all your stuff, and you will never get enougb of them high enough to make a difference, just some of their expendable thugs.

    I would do the same, to their glee. They WANT us to waste ourselves one by one on their petty brownshirts, that way they can identify and imprison the fighters among the flaccid and remove them well before they become a danger to themselves.

    If we rise up one by one, that’s how they will cut us down.

    One by one.

    We all know what the answer is.

    There’s just not enough heat to make the pot boil over all at once, or a leader to direct the scalding flow when it does.

    So you can take out a feral, hell, take ten. It won’t change anything, there’s thousands more they’ve both bred and imported to take their place, with more arriving every day than you could possibly kill.

    Meanwhile, they get to take you, a warrior, off the battlefield before the REAL skirmish even begins…

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